Our hygiene concept

In order to prevent corona cases as best as possible, we have written a hygiene concept. The key points are: being mindful of each other, keeping your distance, wearing a mask where there is no distance possible and testing. Continue reading ...

Newsletter #54

23. July 2021 The end of the month is coming, and with it our resistant action in Brunsbüttel and Hamburg! You will find the most important, (pre)last information in this newsletter. We will inform you about the two planned action zones, how to get there and how to register, the camp, hygiene concept and some important legal information. Continue reading ...

Come to Hamburg!

22. July 2021 Become part of the anti-colonial action in Hamburg! United we (Ende Gelände and the Anti-Colonial Attack) stand against the neo-colonial conditions in Hamburg. Our action stands in mutual solidarity between migrants, black and indigenous people. Continue reading ...

Berlin, 25.7.: BIPoC+white-passing migrants Actiontraining

21. July 2021 This training is an all-gender training for BIPoC individuals. If you are unsure about your positioning, feel free to contact us. If you as BIPoCs have reservations or conditions about having people with white-passing privilege in the training, also feel free to contact us. *During the training there is also the possibility to split the group again for specific content*. We want to continue the process of alliance-building while achieving a baver space for all Continue reading ...

Global Call to Action on July 30th!

8. July 2021 No fracking! No fossil gas boom! Shut down colonialism and fossil fuel capitalism! Join us in an international action day against fossil gas expansion and fracking! On July 30th, we make it clear we will not accept this colonialism, environmental destruction and climate fraud! Continue reading ...