Global day of action against gas, fracking and colonialism
Press release on 27.7.2021 ++ Thousands are expected to join Ende Gelände protest against a fracked gas terminal in Brunsbüttel this weekend. Migrant and Black Alliance wants to block imperialist institutions in Hamburg at the same time. Panel on Thursday in Hamburg.

For the coming weekend Ende Gelände and the Migrant and Black alliance Anti-Colonial Attack announce actions of civil disobedience in Brunsbüttel and Hamburg. As part of a global day of action against gas, fracking and colonialism, they are calling for an immediate gas phase-out and an end to neocolonial exploitation. At the same time, protests are planned in numerous countries, including Argentina, Colombia, UK, Ireland, Norway, Canada and the US as part of the Shale Must Fall campaign.
Elia Nejem, spokesperson for Ende Gelände, says: “The climate crisis and neocolonial exploitation go hand in hand. This is clearly shown by the plans for a fracking gas terminal here in Brunsbüttel. Gas is an accelerant of the climate crisis because in addition to CO2, it also releases methane, which is even more harmful. At the same time, fracking poisons soils and drinking water. All of this particularly affects people in the Global South and indigenous communities. Instead of more fossil fuel infrastructure, we need an immediate gas phase-out.”
Rokaya Hamid, spokesperson for Anti-Colonial Attack, says: “All the time, Germany exercises neocolonial violence. German laws and structures guarantee colonial and racist exploitation of resources. Therefore, we demand a consistent analysis and consequent destruction of this heritage. It is necessary to overcome all colonial and imperialist institutions in the struggle for liberation. We do not make peace with these conditions!”
Esteban Servat from Argentina has also traveled to the protests: “Fracking is destroying my home country, Argentina, where Germany’s largest oil and gas company Wintershall DEA is one of the biggest players. The hypocrisy and climate colonialism of this and other EU multinationals that do abroad what they are prohibited from doing at home, is responsible for human rights violations, displacements of indigenous communities such as the Mapuche in Vaca Muerta, persecutions, and endless illnesses. Children are dying of leukemia at a rate that is 3 times higher than the national average in places where the fracking wells are installed. The role of the German government in promoting and subsidizing this exploitation by building LNG import terminals such as this one, spells doom for the planet and will lock Germany into decades of consumption of the dirtiest fossil fuel of all, fracked gas, falsely presenting it as clean.”
Already on Thursday, a panel with international activists will take place in Hamburg. Different activists from Argentina and the US will talk about the colonial continuities that fracking draws between countries of the Global North and the Global South. The event will take place in English, a translation into German will be provided.
Panel with International Activists in Hamburg:
Thursday, 29.7.2021 | 7 p.m.
Location: Fabrique Hamburg – Valentinskamp 34A, 20355 Hamburg
Title: „ From Vaca Muerta and Texas to Brunsbüttel – fracked gas ‘ dirty path to our doorstep“
Dr. Christopher Basaldú (Esto’k Gna, Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas)
Josette Hinojosa (community activist from Somi Se’k, Brownsville, Texas)
Elida Castillo (community activist from the Coastal Bend region, Texas)
Esteban Servat (activist and founder of EcoLeaks from Vaca Muerta, Argentina)
Llanquiray Painemal Morales (Mapuche activist)
Elia Nejem (Spokesperson from Ende Gelände)
Moderation: Katja George (
18.00-19.00 Possibility for interviews with international activists and spokepersons
19.00-20.30 Podium
20.30-22.30 Open Q&A session and subsequent opportunity for interviews with international activists and spokepersons
For short term information you are welcome to subscribe to our Telegram Channel:
Ronja Weil +49 163 681 17 76 | Spokeperson from Ende Gelände
Joli Schröter: +49 151 413 745 27 | Spokeperson from Ende Gelände (interviews only in German)
Elia Nejem: +49 177 967 68 05 | Spokeperson from Ende Gelände (interviews only in German)
On the Ende Gelände flickr acount you will find photos of current and past actions.