We need your participation to create a diverse programme!
You are interested in organizing a workshop, info desk, exhibition, concert or other format as an individual or with your group, or in supporting us in the implementation of the events?

Important note (as of July 16):
We have already received a variety of exciting program submissions, thank you to everyone who sent us submission ideas! However, we now have more program proposals than places in the tents. At the same time, we also want to give people who submit program contributions timely feedback on whether they can hold a workshop. We have therefore decided on a submission stop: We will most likely not be able to consider any submissions that arrive after July 17. We do not want to understand this as a strict stop, as we especially want to give more space to contributions on the topics of antiracism, anticolonialism and connecting struggles. In addition, we would like to see more offers on emotional spaces and spaces of reflection, feel free to fill out the form with corresponding offers. If you can’t be included in the program anymore, there are still one-hour open space formats on site, which can be spontaneously and self-organized filled with content and still entered/advertised in the program on site.
At the camp we want to come together as a climate justice movement and continue the ideas and networking of last year’s camp in Hamburg and tie in with current discussions in the movement. There will be space for networking, further education and skill-shares, strategic discussions and a cultural programme.
For such a diverse programme we need your cooperation!
Are you interested, as an individual or with your group, to contribute a workshop, information stand, exhibition, concert or other event to the camp programme? Please fill in this form as complete as possible: https://cloud.systemli.org/apps/forms/s/QWm7Smpodjxb3oWpEdRzJ5E6
Would you like to present your group or alliance at the “Market of Opportunities”? Or do you want to support us with the organisation of the programme?
Can you provide translation during an event? Or can you even imagine to take responsibility for the organisation of a translation structure?
Please contact us at programm@ende-gelaende.org !
Call for content
2023 is only half over and a lot has already happened in the climate movement: In January, a wide range of actors came together in and around Lützerath with their different forms of action and united to stand in the way of the demolition of the village. In France, tens of thousands have joined the protests of the Soulèvements de la Terre, for example against the wasteful water policy of industrial agriculture in Sainte-Soline. And again and again Last Generation, Just Stop Oil and Co. disrupt the destructive everyday life of the climate crisis.
Now we want to come together as a movement from 30.07. to 06.08. in Hanover for the big System Change Camp. We are looking for contributions to the programme!
We want to build on the camp of the same name in Hamburg last year and numerous other climate camps. There will be space for networking and movement building, further education on various topics around climate justice, as well as skill-shares to pass on movement-specific knowledge. In addition to discussing the content, we also want to have strategic discussions and think together about our next steps and actions as a movement. For example, topics from the strategy conference in June can be taken up. Cultural programmes and joint celebrations will also be part of the camp.
We invite you to participate in the programme with your topics! The programme contributions can be very diverse: from a moderated exchange room on a specific topic, to a workshop lasting several hours or a concert, to an exhibition or curating an own tent throughout the entire period. In principle, it is also possible to create a networking space for one’s own community in a non-public tent, where self-designed programmes are organised by the community for the community. For this, however, we need an early request so that we can see if there are enough tents. We also want to organise a “market of possibilities”: We create a space where different political groups can present themselves and get in touch with interested people from the camp.
Climate justice can only be thought and achieved globally and requires a focus on the regions and people who are particularly affected by the climate crisis and the extractivism of the Global North and who have been fighting against the exploitation of people and nature for centuries. Therefore, we would like to invite MAPA and groups working on antiracist and anticolonial issues to create programme items and to participate in the design of the event framework and programme. It is also important for us to create learning spaces at the camp and to initiate reflection processes on our own privileges and power structures – contributions are also very welcome here!
We want to make our camp programme accessible to as many people as possible and therefore try to break down language barriers. It is best if you can provide your own translation for your event. Because this is not possible for everyone, we are trying to set up a translation structure for the camp.
For such a diverse programme we need your cooperation!
Are you interested in enriching the camp programme as an individual or with your group with a workshop, information stand, exhibition, concert or other formats, or in supporting us with the implementation of the events?
Would you like to present your group or alliance at the “Market of Opportunities”?
You can support the events as a translator? Or even better: You can imagine taking responsibility for the organisation of a translation structure?
Just contact us at programm@ende-gelaende.org !