Our hygiene concept
In order to prevent corona cases as best as possible, we have written a hygiene concept. The key points are: being mindful of each other, keeping your distance, wearing a mask where there is no distance possible and testing.

Please read through the hygiene concept and be sure to follow the instructions below:
- Please do a quick test before arrival and only come if you are negative. In addition, everyone who is at the camp in Brunsbüttel should be tested again 48 hours after arrival . We have tests for this in stock.
- If you have symptoms of a corona infection, please do not come to the camp . This also applies if you have had contact with a (potentially) ill person in the last 14 days or if you come from a high-risk area.
- Affinity groups The affinitiy groups are the smallest infection unit for the campaign. Therefore, you do not need to be far apart in your affinitiy group. If a person shows symptoms that cause us to suspect Corona, we have to isolate a whole affinitiy group. There is an isolation area for this purpose. To keep the risk low, please form stable affinitiy groups that are not changed or swapped. Please also make sure that your affinitiy groups are regional.
- Masks Please bring one everyday mask per day and FFP2 masks (without exhalation valve) or medical masks for the action. There should be at least 3 per day.
- We have a hand signal to draw attention to infection control. We recommend that you minimise your contacts for 2 weeks after your return.
- Camp The camp in Brunsbüttel has a limited number of admissions . To ensure that this number is not exceeded, we may need to close the camp to more people. On the camp there are marked one-way streets in places where there are many people.
- Tracing system The hygiene concept only works with good tracking. Please generate a Corona ID (for Brunsbüttel – for Hamburg ) and report immediately if you get sick. Participation in the traceability is part of the action consensus .
That was the short version 🙂 Please take your personal responsibility seriously and read the hygiene concept !
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