Action plenaries, action trainings, beginners’ training, finding affinity group-finding, legal counselling
On Thursday we start with the really important action plenaries and various action trainings at the camp in Brunsbüttel. You don’t have an affinity group yet? We will support you in getting together.

The programme starts on Thursday at the camp in Brunsbüttel! Action plenums and trainings in various forms. You don’t have ab affinity group yet? You will have the opportunity to get together.
Here are all the dates that have been set. In addition, the LegalTeam for all and the AntiRep AG will be at the start to advise you on legal questions and offer workshops.
Action Plenary
Participation in the Action Plenums – in Brunsbüttel this applies to both! – is especially important, because only here you will get all the relevant information for participating in the actions. Here are the dates:
Thursday: 20 – 21:00
Friday: 13 – 15:00
Action trainings
For beginners
Thursday: 15 – 18:00
Friday: 9 – 12:00
Action training with a focus on low barrier actions:
On Friday
Further dates will be announced on site
Finding a reference group
Thu 19.00 – 20.00
Fri 19.00 – 20.00
And Junepa offers two “encouragement meetings” for beginners
A meeting with all those who want to take time to talk about concerns and open questions just before the action. You can come to both meetings or just one – it’s up to you!
The meetings are planned for:
Thursday: 19.30
Friday: 10.30 a.m.
Dear people,
Many of us have an exciting weekend of action ahead of us at Ende Gelände. We would like to make an offer for people inexperienced in action in the run-up to the action at the camp in Brunsbüttel:
An action of civil disobedience is not something you do on the side. For some people it might not be a big deal, but others think a lot: How should I behave in the action? Is this even the right thing for me or would I rather take a picket shift? How do I deal with dicey situations? How can I take good care of myself during the action? Would I rather pack dextrose or a muesli bar? These are all legitimate questions that we want to address in a safe environment.
We invite you to two encouragement meetings where we will talk about the basics of civil disobedience actions and have time to answer your individual questions and uncertainties.
The meetings are planned for:
Thursday (29.7.), 7.30 p.m.
Friday (30.7.), 10.30 a.m.
For spontaneous changes, please check the camp notice board.
We are looking forward to seeing you! Greetings a handful of people from JunepA