Revisión Acción 2020

“¡El movimiento de justicia climática ha vuelto!” – Ende Gelaende termina un exitoso fin de semana de acción
El movimiento internacional de justicia climática “Ende Gelände” (“Hasta aquí y no más allá”) declaró el fin del fin de semana de acción hoy. Más de 3.000 activistas bloquearon la infraestructura de carbón y gas en la zona minera de Renania, en Alemania occidental. Ende Gelände exige el fin de todos los combustibles fósiles y un cambio fundamental de sistema. Continuar leyendo…
Húmedo pero exitoso – esto fue Ende Gelände 2020 en Renania
Fighting the Crisis since 2015!
Informe sobre la acción de Ende Gelände 2020
Informe sobre la acción de Ende Gelände 2020
Informe sobre la acción de Ende Gelände 2020
La revista de prensa de la acción
compilación de noticias (TV, periódicos)
(Link en inglés) se puede encontrar en nuestar
revista de prensa
(Link en inglés).
Las informaciones resumidas sobre la acción (y su preparación)
- Acción (Link en inglés)
- Como llegar (Link en inglés)
- Asuntos legales (Link en inglés)
El ticker de Ende Gelände (perdón, solo en alemán)
¡Uf, hicimos mucho trabajo este año! Dona algo si puedes y quieres:
Todas las noticias de la acción 2020
Now available in English: Mobilization Presentation
17. July 2022 You want to make Ende Gelände more known in your town? You want to motivate other people to join the System Change Camp and Action in the greater Hamburg area in August 2022? You can do so now with the newly translated EG mobilization (mobi) presentation. Now available in English! Continue reading ...
Fighting the Crisis since 2015! – EN
13. November 2020 To be able to carry out a mass action during Corona, we had to do many things differently than before. Business as usual was not this year, but there were 10 base stations, 14 mini fingers and a comprehensive infection protection concept. Nevertheless, doubts remained until shortly before the campaign – “Is a campaign under … Continued Continue reading ...
Corona After-Care
1. October 2020 Corona After Care is important for all of us – so please take part! Continue reading ...
“Ende Gelaende” ends successful mass action of civil disobedience +++ “The climate justice movement is back!”
27. September 2020 The international climate justice movement “Ende Gelaende” (“Here And No Further!”) declared the end of the action weekend today. More than 3,000 activists blocked coal and gas infrastructure in Rhineland mining area, in western Germany. Ende Gelaende calls for an end to all fossil fuels and a fundamental system change Continue reading ...
Garzweiler open-cast mine, Weisweiler coal-fired power plant and Lausward gas-fired power plant blocked +++ “Clean gas is a dirty lie”
26. September 2020 About 3,000 activists from Ende Gelaende have been successfully blocking coal and gas infrastructure in the Rhineland mining area since this morning. The action groups reached Garzweiler open-cast mine, Weisweiler coal-fired power station and Lausward gas-fired power station near Düsseldorf. Continue reading ...
Not one degree further – means not one metre further for the coal diggers!
24. September 2020 Come to the demonstration on Saturday, 26 September 2020, at 12 o'clock / noon in Hochneukirch at the open-cast mine Garzweiler II Continue reading ...
Corona – Risk Areas
18. September 2020 Before setting off, please check whether you come from a risk area (according to the German classification). Continue reading ...
Notes for an anti-racist approach in the Ende Gelände Action 2020 in Rhineland
12. September 2020 shortly before the action, we would like to share some notes from the anti-racism working group of Ende Gelände Berlin Continue reading ...