Not one degree further – means not one metre further for the coal diggers!
Come to the demonstration on Saturday, 26 September 2020, at 12 o’clock / noon in Hochneukirch at the open-cast mine Garzweiler II

(Text on the picture: A coal exit in 2038 is too late and endangers the villages at the open-cast mines / Show solidarity and come to the market place in Hohenneukirch on 26 September at 12 o’clock /noon)
A coal phase exit in 2038 is too late! Eighteen more years of coal mining are a massive threat – for the villages on the Garzweiler open-cast mine and livelihoods worldwide.
On 26 September 2020 Fridays for Future and “Alle Dörfer bleiben!” (= “All Villages Stay”) will take to the streets to express our solidarity with Ende Gelände and the Anti-Kohle-Kidz (= “Anti-Coal Kidz”) and to show as a united climate justice movement:
THAT’S ENOUGH! We must put an immediate end to the outdated methods of energy production using lignite and co. in order to be able to avert the worst consequences of climate change.
The demonstration will start at 12 o’clock / noon at the market place in Hochneukirch, easily accessible by public transport, and will later pass the mine, from where we will have a direct view of the place of destruction and climate injustice.
Fighting for the villages means fighting for global climate justice!