Press Release 27 Oct 2018

27. October 2018 6,500 activists block mining operations in the Rhineland coalfield ++ Largest action of civil disobedience of the German climate movement

Press Release 25 October 2018

25. October 2018 Ende Gelände sets up protest camp in Stepprath for 4,000 activists +++ First camp was evicted last night +++ Public action training on Friday, October 26, 11.30am

Press release 23 October 2018

23. October 2018 Ende Gelände starts setting up the camp ++ No court decision on location of protest camp yet ++ Thousands expected to block coal infrastructure

Press release 20 October 2018

22. October 2018 No agreement on the location of the Ende Gelände protest camp ++ Lawsuit against police decision planned ++ Thousands on their way to coal blockades in the Rhineland

Press invitation October 16, 2018

16. October 2018 Thousands expected to block operations at Hambach mine (Oct 25-29) + Public action training and media briefing on 26 Oct 2018 + Special train from Prague

Press Release, 6 Oct 2018

6. October 2018 Thousands of people in the forest with Ende Gelände + Red Line against coal mining + Spaces for further occupation opened

Press Release, September 28, 2018

28. September 2018 Eviction of Hambach Forest occupation coming to an end + Activists call out for mass actions of civil disobedience in October 6 + 25-29, 2018