Organize Mobilization Events

Mobilization (Mobi)/ information events and action trainings are perfect occasions to inspire new people to join and to prepare together for disobedient actions.

Organize your own events in your towns and villages!

Each year we try to create a presentation that you can use for your event and there are tips and info to help you organize an event. Unfortunately some of the information is only available in German. Our apologies! We are currently in the process of translation.

Presentation 2022

Practical advice for your event and information about the presentation

As inspiration a mobilization event from last year (2021)

Furthermore, here are a few notes from the Anti-Racism WG of the Berlin Ende Gelände local group, which are worth reading through.

In case you want to share and publish your event dates on our website, we would be happy if you could drop us a quick eMail ( , PGP-Key ).
Minimalistically, this can be done with the following information (conveniently it’s less work for us :):

Title of the event
Address (street or location)
Start time

Let’s go…!

You need mobilization material? Continue to read here for a quick instruction and information on how to order mobilization material.

[Update, 7/25/22: *whoop whoop* Mobi material is out of stock due to high demand and we are ending mobi shipping. Thank you to everyone who ordered mobi material! We would kindly ask you not to order any more mobi packages. See you at the camp and the action.]

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You want to help us in adding more examples of mobilization events to this page? We are happy to receive and update or picture/video material of your events via 🙂 eMail: ( PGP-Key )