We proudly present … our Action Consensus 2022

But what is it and what do we have it for?

Ende Gelände Aktivistis sitzend von hinten, Schrift: Aktionskonsens, der. Gemeinsame Vereinbarung für die Ende Gelände Sommeraktion in Hamburg. GEGEN Gas, LNG Terminals und neokoloniale Strukturen. FÜR langes Stoppen klimaschädlicher Infrastruktur. MIT Kleingruppen. KEIN Raum für Diskriminierung
Engl. translation: Action Consensus, the: Joint agreement for the Ende Gelände summer action in Hamburg. AGAINST gas, LNG terminals and neocolonial structures. FOR long-term stopping of climate-damaging infrastructure. WITH small groups. NO space for discrimination

The action consensus is a binding framework for the Ende Gelände action. Many groups and individuals have developed it in a collective process and decided on it by consensus.

The action consensus is the prerequisite for the action to be transparent and easy to assess for all participants.

We invite all people who agree to this consensus to participate in the action.

Our short summary of the action consensus:
💪 AGAINST gas, LNG terminals and neocolonial structures.
🛠️ FOR long stopping climate-damaging infrastructure.
👉 WITH small groups
❌ NO room for discrimination

You can find the full action consensus here: www.ende-gelaende.org/en/action-consensus-2022/



13. September 2023 Welcome to newsletter number 22, a schnapps number this time. Fittingly, we are celebrating our birthday this year and are still here for you after 10 years - because repression has unfortunately not stopped. The focus this time is on how the police actually identify people from whom they have not received any personal data, based on our experiences so far. Continue reading ...