Climate activism is not a crime!

11. July 2016 Show Solidarity – Trial on 12 July in Görlitz The activist* Clumsy has been in jail now for approx. six weeks. The trial will now take place on the 12th of July. He is accused of having locked himself to the railway tracks of a coal train to the power station “Schwarze Pumpe” at Ende … Continued Continue reading ...

International climate celebrities support us!

8. May 2016 Our action attracts attention also in the sphere of international debate. Alberto Acosta, Vandana Shiva, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky... and many other prominent characters in the fight for climate justice signed our Global Call for Support and confirmed us in the belief, that we will not stop climate change if we do not take action from below and force governments and corporations to shut down fossil infrastructure. Read here the complete list of signatories . Continue reading ...

Invitation to our last preparatory meeting

4. April 2016 Only five weeks remain until Ende Gelaende will set a sign in Lusatia against fossil fuels and the current economic system. We are working full speed and preparations are sort of on track. All those interested in joining us for the last stretch of our journey are warmly invited to our last preparatory meeting on 22nd and 23rd April in Hannover. Continue reading ...

Preparing Ende Gelände: 200 people join in

11. February 2016 Last weekend, a big preparatory session for the upcoming action in May took place in Berlin. Roughly 200 activists from about 15 countries attended. Among them were many who took part in the preparations for the very first time – a warm welcome to you all! Continue reading ...

Newsletter #3 – 2016

29. January 2016 #EndCoal goes mainstream. The pro-industry climate lobbyist of Agora Energiewende (eng. “Agora Energy Transition”) have come up with a well-received plan to phase-out until 2040. Our dear politicians reacted with the usual jobs-energysecurity-blurb. What they did not mentioned: Half of the electricity generated from lignite is exported and thereby effectively undermines the construction of a sustainable pan-european energy system. Orwellian Newspeak wherever you look: “We have to protect Jobs” means “No decent work for you” and “Security is our primary concern” means “Let's not rush to leave the burning house”. And, as always, Corporate-Politics bows to the logic of the capitalist system. In our situation, not to mess with the status quo is the ultimate irresponsibility. It is capitalism that has brought us Climate Change and more of the same will not prevent the unfolding catastrophe; green growth is a chimera. They promise 1.5-degrees and continue business-as-usual. We take their words, and do what has to be done: Climate Justice remains up to Us. Continue reading ...

Newsletter #2 – 2016

24. December 2015 The climate conference in Paris is over. In the media it was celebrated as a success. We are more sceptical. The fine objective to limit the global warming to 1,5 degress will not be attained with the decisions taken in Paris. There is a danger of the average temperature rising by over 3 degrees. Emissions are supposed to fall only in the future. Instead of acting now the problem will be postponed to tomorrow. The necessary abandonment of fossile resources does not appear in the text. That is no accident: many governments want to secure the profits of the fossile industry rather than decommission coal-mines. If we are serious about our future we need to get active ourselves. In Germany that means stopping lignite mining. For that reason we will go to the Lausitz at Whitsun 2016 and stop the diggers. Continue reading ...

Newsletter #1 – 2016

2. December 2015 The following presents the outcomes of our Action-conference in Leipzig and what lies ahead of us. With some 200 new and old climate activists present, we opted for the ‘ambition escalation game plan’. More than ever we are determined to mark the end of coal in Germany. Come join us! Continue reading ...