Newsletter #35 – This week we are going one better – are you coming with us?

At the beginning of October we celebrated a huge success as anti-coal movement: for the time being the Hambach forest is safe from RWEs chainsaws. Nevertheless we have to stay tuned now!

Because it is not only about the forest, it is also and above all about the end of an exploitative fossil system. It is about preventing the coal industry from continuing to make profits at the expense of those who are already affected by climate change worldwide.
So let’s take advantage of the momentum of the recent months – let‘s block the coal infrastructure in the Rhineland with thousands of people next week. Let’s show the coal companies, the government and the coal commission: we’ll come back – until the excavators come to a standstill and the last coal-fired power station is shut down. Determined and disobedient – for climate justice and an immediate coal exit!

Here you’ll find all the important information to be part of the action next weekend:

  1. Off we go: Roadmap to the coal exit
  2. Liftshare online now
  3. Camp & Accommodation platform
  4. Important information about the action (take care, action consensus, packing list)
  5. Demonstration of solidarity: „Our goal – end coal!” (“Ende Gelände für die Kohle!” on 27 October at Buir
  6. The final straight: Mobi, support, donations!

1. Off we go: Roadmap to the coal exit

We start on Thursday: on 25 October at 4 pm the special train of Ende Gelände will actuate in Prague. The train will continue via Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Hanover and brings about 1000 people directly to Düren in the Rhineland. The exact timetable and information on how to get tickets can be found here: .

For all those who are already at the camp, the action period starts with a kick-off plenary session at 3 pm. At 8:30 pm the first action plenum for all will take place.

On Friday, 26 October , there will be time for action trainings, finding affinity groups and workshops. At 3 pm and at 8:30 pm there will be action plenums for delegates.

Please come to the camp as early as possible so that you have time to prepare. It is important to us that we all go quietly, safely and well organized to the blockades. Also the camp organisation needs time: our action only works if people cook, rinse, clean toilets!

On Saturday morning we start together early and will paralyze the coal infrastructure around the Hambach opencast mine. We want to keep the blockades until Sunday – so be sure to take warm clothes and sleeping bags with you!

On Sunday afternoon we will finish our action with a joint plenary session. On Monday there will be time for reflection, evaluation and camp dismantling.

2. Liftshare online now

In addition to special train and bus travel, there is now also a liftshare page available for the Ende Gelände action. Because travelling together is simply nicer 🙂 If you travel by car and still have places available or are looking for a lift yourself, please enter your details on the map (apart from your e-mail, no further details are required):

Please also think about whether your cars / minibuses can be used for shuttle services during the action period. If this is the case, please contact us:

3. Camp & Accommodation platform

At the moment we do not have a final confirmation for the camp site. Various options, including legal ones, are currently being initiated. The area offered by the police is north of Jülich – far too far away from the place of destruction where we want to protest. We do not accept that, we do not demonstrate on a bicycle lane against the diesel scandal.

We already know that, every year it is exciting until the last minute. But as you know, Ende Gelände always arrives where we want to go. We are many! Creatively and resolutely we will again exercise our right to sleep.

Read our current press release;

Please plan your journey to the Hambi-Camp Manheim first and keep up to date with the latest information on the website.
One thing’s for sure: We’re setting up the camp on Monday and need support to do so! If you can imagine arriving earlier, please contact us:

If you would like to have a „real roof“ over your head or if you would like to open your house or shared flat for guests: contact the accommodation platform where private sleeping accommodations are sought and offered: .

4. Important information for the action (take care, action consensus, packing list)

With our action we will block coal infrastructure with thousands of people. With a mass action of civil disobedience we are resolutely putting ourselves in the way of the destructive machinery of the coal industry. We invite affinity groups who have prepared themselves in advance to support the action with lock-ons. Our action is not directed against the employees of RWE, there will be no escalation on our part. You can find out more about this in the action consensus [ ]. Helpful information on possible legal consequences of the action can be found here .

An Ende Gelände action is not a walk in the park – that’s why it’s so important that we take good care of each other and ourselves! Finally we want to continue doing great actions together in the future. Here you will find important information on the dangers and risks of coal infrastructure.

This time we want to maintain the blockade for one and a half days. And we don’t have to kid ourselves; sleeping outside at the end of October will get cold. Take thick sleeping bags, sleeping mats and an extra sweater with you and prepare for it! You can find out more about what you should bring on the packing list [ ].

5. Demonstration in solidarity: „Our goal – end coal!“ on 27 October at Buir

On Saturday, 27 October,, the Umweltinstitut München, the Naturfreunde Deutschland and Campact are organising a registered demonstration in solidarity with Ende Gelände. Many of the 50,000 people who already demonstrated on 6 October for a determined coal exit will be back again this time. There will be a strong picture of solidarity between people on the street and the activists in the blockades. Resistance is diverse and colourful: Together we send the signal to the government and RWE: Coal belongs in the museum – the future belongs to sun and wind!
Come to the demonstration between the Hambach Forest and the opencast coal mine on Saturday, 27 October 2018! Come as early as possible to the demonstration at the tram station Buir, which is registered from 9 am onwards. At 10:30 am we leave the station, at 11 am the intermediate rally starts at Buir.

6. The final straight: Mobi, support, donations!

What you can contribute in the last days until the action – to make Ende Gelände really, really big this year:

@ our webpage:

via bank transfer:
*recipient: Ende Gelände*
*IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1120 8464 00*



13. September 2023 Welcome to newsletter number 22, a schnapps number this time. Fittingly, we are celebrating our birthday this year and are still here for you after 10 years - because repression has unfortunately not stopped. The focus this time is on how the police actually identify people from whom they have not received any personal data, based on our experiences so far. Continue reading ...