Newsletter #40 – You know it
No one will be able to say, “I didn’t know anything.”

Because FridaysforFuture and the international protests of Extinction Rebellion contribute to the fact that the climate crisis is now finally widely discussed. Every week at the demonstrations. The climate crisis has arrived in families or at work, and also in some talk shows.
But what is happening?
Climate conferences and press interviews literally produce hot air. We can therefore no longer wait for governments to save us from ecological collapse. We must take action ourselves.
The time to act is now!
You know it’s up to you now.
From 19 to 24 June, Ende Gelände will happen in the Rhenish coal mining area. Thousands of us will block the largest CO2 source in Europe. Because the immediate coal exit is essential for survival.
So just mark it in the calendar, pass it on and be there in June…
You will find more about the upcoming actions & how you can take part – in this newsletter:
- Spread our call: Come to the Rhenish coal mining area in June (19 – 24 June 2019)
- Your contribution to make „Ende Gelände“ HUGE
- Travel together to the Rhineland! Arrival-Information
- Sign up now: “Wurzeln schlagen“ conference (17 – 19 May 2019 in Marburg)
- Europe-wide for climate justice
- OVERVIEW: Summer of Climate Disobedience 2019
1. Spread our call: Come to the Rhenish coal mining area in June – All villages stay!
From 19 to 24 June we disobey the destruction in the Rhenish brown coal district with our bodies. It is clear that the recommendations of the German Coal Commission are not an acceptable result for us. We‘ll come back until the last excavator stands still!
This year we stand side by side with all the people whose homes are being destroyed by coal and the climate crisis. In solidarity with the people from Keyenberg, Kuckum and the other villages at the Garzweiler opencast mine, we want to stop the destruction on aite – and thus the global climate crisis. We say: stop coal so that #AllVillagesStay!
Join in and block with us coal infrastructure as an immediate measure for global climate justice! Bring your friends, your colleagues, your family! Spread the word for this year’s Ende Gelände action! Ende Gelände protests together with other actors for climate justice: On Friday, 21 June, there will be a major Europe-wide demonstration of FridaysforFuture in Aachen. On 22 June, the initiative “ Alle Dörfer bleiben” (“All villages stay!“) calls for an action.
2. Your contribution to make Ende Gelände HUGE
- Order mobilisation material now and distribute it in your region!
- Organise an information event about the action in your city! A presentation is already available. We will gladly send you a speaker and support you – just contact us . You can also find some helpful and practical hints here .
- Come to our next alliance meeting on 7-9 June in Bielefeld. We are very happy about people who want to get involved in the preparation process.
During the action, various tasks are still open for which we need people to support. From handing out materials to the activists to setting up and dismantling the camp, there are many opportunities to be an important part of Ende Gelände. No matter whether you want to be part of the action or not. A complete list of tasks with short descriptions can be found here . Sign up online directly to the list or contact us !
This helps us a lot with planning. If you don’t want to decide beforehand: arrive early and contact the info point and the action logistics. Surely there are still important things to do at short notice.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
3. Travel together to the Rhineland! Arrival-Information + Camp site
Your Coach Mobi working group is back and coordinates your arrival and departure by coach. Also this year we will provide you with an overview of how to get to Ende Gelände by bus – here you can quickly see if a coach is already planned to leave from your city .
There is no bus leaving from your region yet? You could organize one! Here you can find our “How to organise a bus” guide.
If you would like to organize a coach or have any other questions regarding your arrival or departure, please contact us .
At the moment we are also planning a shared ride – more updates will follow.
In addition we support alternative travel options ( e.g. climate-friendly bicycle travel ).
As usual we can announce information on the possible camp site only shortly before the date. But what we know so far: The “Ende Gelände“ action will take place in the Rhenish brown coal district, most probably around the Garzweiler open-cast mine .
There are some towns (Erkelenz, Mönchengladbach, Grevenbroich) that can be reached by public transport. But which station will be the nearest is still completely open. Therefore it is best to book only the trip to Cologne and buy the ticket for the rest of the route shortly before or on arrival.
4. Sign up now: „Wurzeln schlagen“ conference (17 – 19 May 2019 in Marburg)
You are active on a local level for climate justice or you want to become active? Join us for the CONFERENCE FOR LOCAL GROUPS OF CLIMATE RIGHTS MOVEMENT in German-speaking countries. We want to create a place for networking and sustainable activism of groups and individuals in Marburg from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 May 2019.
More information can be found here (only in DE)
For a last minute registration click here
5. Europe-wide for climate justice
The climate crisis is worsening. That is why our resistance is becoming disobedient, Europe-wide! As in last year, Ende Gelände is supporting two international groups this summer, this time the Climate Camp in Venice and the Power Beyond Borders Camp in England.
26-31 July , South East England: Power Beyond Borders
In times of Brexit and shift to the right we stand together against climate destruction and racism. Britain’s largest gas-fired power plant is to be built in autumn. At the same time, people fleeing the destructions caused by the global North will be pushed back to the borders. The “Power Beyond Borders” action camp is precisely opposing this with its blockades against gas infrastructure and deportation centres.
4-8 September Venice, Italy: Venice Climate Camp
Italy = holiday destination? Let‘s block big cruise giants while the Venice International Film Festival take place at once! The first Italian climate camp on the lagoon beach not far from the film festival will also be a place of exchange and taking breath after a full summer of climate resistance.
6. OVERVIEW: Summer of Climate Disobedience 2019
And there’s a lot more going on in Europe. Already at the end of September 2019 we will get up all over Europe as various movements within the framework of By 2020 We Rise Up : In a planned, coordinated and strategic first wave of several weeks we will initiate the end of the current deadly system, decided and ready to do what is necessary. And already this summer the climate justice movement calendar is bursting at the seams. Here is an overview of some of the camps with actions coming soon, absolutely without claim to completeness… 😉
- 26 May to 2 June Austria, Obersdorf, Vienna Climate Camp , blockade actions on mobility on 31 May
- 19 – 24 June Germany, Garzweiler (Rhineland), Ende Gelände against lignite
- 01 – 07 July Czech Republic, Limity jsme my – Camp against lignite
- 02 – 11 July Switzerland, near Basel, Climate Camp & action against finance
- 17 – 21 July Poland near Poznań, 2nd Polish ClimateCamp against lignite
- 17 – 21 July Portugal, Bajouca (Leiria district), Action Camp against fossil gas
- 26 – 31 July England (South East), Power Beyond Borders
- 03 – 12 August Germany, Pödelwitz, Climate Camp Leipziger Land
- 12 – 18 August France, Climate Camp from RadiAction
- 15 – 27 August Germany, Climate Camp Rhineland
- 04 – 08 September Italy, Venice Venice Climate Camp
- 04 – 08 September Belgium, Brussels, Brussels Climate Justice Camp
- 12 – 15 September Germany, Frankfurt, Blockade of the International Motor Show (IAA)
- 19 – 25 September Germany, Brunsbüttel (85km to Hamburg), Free the Soil – Action Camp against industrial agriculture
- 27 September Earth Strike & global strike against climate crisis
- 27 September and the weeks after that: first wave of action of By 2020 We Rise Up
See you soon,
your Newsletter Team