Newsletter 17 – Our ultimatum to RWE: announce phase out of coal mining by 23 August or ENDE GELÄNDE!
The countdown has started!
The general meeting of RWE experienced a speech which the shareholder of the coal group did not expect: Daniel from Ende Gelände explained very clearly what we think of the business with climate killers.

In addition Ende Gelände issued an ulitmatum to the RWE board . You can see more in the moving Video :
We are peaceful – open cast mining is not
The fact remains: there are no convictions for participating in the mass actions of civil disobedience organised by Ende Gelände.
Only two weeks ago we celebrated the acquittal of four climate activists. The accusation of trespassing proved to be untenable. RWE did not completely fence in its open cast mines. Some days ago two other procedures were stopped for lack of evidence. Our climate activism has so far had no penal consequences. RWE tries to discourage us from our protests by starting civil claims. They will not succeed. Many thanks to all who have provided legal support. We continue to show solidarity.
Publicise Ende Gelände – the flyers are available
The hot phase of mobilisation has started. Help us to reach as many people as possible! Try and get support for the upcoming activities. For this we have created snazzy posters, flyers and stickers. Embellish your unis, schools, pubs, bio shops, youth and community centres, surgeries and lawyers’ offices. Distribute our flyers wherever people gather who might have an interest in climate policy activities. You can order the material under – free but kindly make a donation.
Information meetings are ideally suited to reach out to new people in your environment and to prepare together for activities. Here you can find how you can organise a meeting yourself.
Meeting Ende Gelände – open for new to newcomers
The countdown has started – the next Ende Gelände action is just around the corner and the preparations are in full swing. But we could still do with helping hands! At the same time we are already starting planning the activities for November. We would welcome people who want to contribute to this exciting process. Do you want to participate? Then come to our next meeting from 9 to 11 June in Berlin Schöneweide .
Please register so that we can plan places to sleep, child care and food.
Please let us know your needs so that we can directly find places to sleep: – you can tell us if you would prefer private oder collective accommodation (directly on the site).
If you cannot come to Berlin but are interested in shaping the November activities: there will be a preparatory meeting 22 July. Please contact:
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Ende Gelände in den Medien
There is growing interest in climate activism. Several media had reports on Ende Gelände.
Here is a selection of articles on the RWE general meeting and our ulitmatum:
Chancenloses Greenwashing
, Protest gegen RWE in der „grünen Stadt Essen“
Aktivisten stellen RWE Ultimatum
The acquittals were also reported widely:
Vier Tagebaugegner freigesprochen – kein Hausfriedensbruch
Freispruch für Ende Gelände Aktivist*innen in Erkelenz
Tagebaubesetzung kein Hausfriedensbruch (WDR)
Last but not least Alberto Acosta describes „Ende Gelände“ as a groundbreaking exemple and encourages us to put up restistence for nature: Widerstand leisten für die Natur .