Newsletter #1/23
Today is day X in Lützerath! If you are willing to be cleared or take actions out of Lützi, come to Lützi as soon as possible, the situation is coming to a head! Cops have been in Lützerath for over 24h, setting up their structures and attacking ours. Come to Lützerath NOW, your support is needed!

We have compiled the most important information. Enjoy reading!
1. Calls for Support
2. Dates
3. Current situation
4. Actions in Lützi/ out of Lützi
5. Donations
6. Cities network
7. Action ticker
8. Further information
1. Calls for Support
Occupation Lützerath
People who are willing to be evicted should arrive as soon as possible, but in any case arrive before 9.1. to Lützerath and be prepared for up to 7 days of Gesa (prisoner collection point). Many people can still be involved for maximally effective occupation of all structures in Lützerath. There are also ground structures to be occupied for people without much climbing experience. You should bring some equipment for the time during the eviction, but also keep in mind that things may be destroyed or confiscated by the police. You should also be aware of what items may reveal information about your identity, in case you do not want to give your personal details. Warm clothes, sleeping mat and sleeping bag are very important. Currently, the forecast predicts temperatures around freezing point on some nights, and it is possible that temperatures will drop below freezing.
As far as food is concerned, there will be cooking facilities in the individual barrios. However, it is a good idea to bring enough of your favorite transition food to live on for a few days. There should be a water supply and water canisters on site, but again, it is good to take water bottles for 2-3 liters of water. On site there are action meetings every day, where you as a newcomer can find out how the situation is and in which barrios structures are still unoccupied. Becoming part of a barrio means being part of a community of people who organize themselves in the eviction and live in neighborhood to each other. I.e. eat together, discuss who is occupying what, be there for each other, keep warm, do public relations, be in the way of the police with blockades, etc. Do a Corona test before you come and look at the packing list before you come.
You are coming to Lützi and still have space in your backpack, solibus and co? Then bring the following things with you: – powerbanks – Vegetables (no potatoes) – gas cartridges -canned food/ durable food
UAC (registered alternative camp “Unser aller Camp” (UAC) in Keyenberg) Onboarding
If you want to take over structural tasks in the UAC, it makes sense to come to the UAC Onboarding on Tuesday, 03.01.23, 7pm. There you will get an overview of the structures and upcoming tasks. Registration at or directly in the UAC Onboarding Matrix room:
If you don’t have time on that day, but you will be at the camp for a few days and want to take on more responsibility, there are other ways to get the info: On site, by mail or you can come directly to the UAC Onboarding room on Matrix . There are also tasks that can be done remotely.
On the UAC there are multiple work packages/areas like Actionpoint, Awareness, BIPoCJ Awareness, Barrier Free Lützi, Camp Life (incl. Orga Plena and Onboarding), Infopoint, Internet, Finances, Hygiene Concept, Küfa, Local Communication (Residents Contact), Lützi + UAC Communication, Material Procurement, Material Tent, Garbage, Night Shifts & Security, Parking / Caravans, Program, Building (plug-in) Shelves, Retreats & Heat Sources, Sanis, Mobility/Shuttlepoint, Electricity, Ticker, Toilets & Showers, Transportation Logistics, Assembly Management & Mawas, Assembly Rights & Registration, Tents. Not all work areas are open, but feel free to write in the onboarding room where you would like to contribute or ask where it is most needed right now.
Construction: Since a few days people are setting up the alternative camp in Keyenberg. There is already electricity, some internet, some structure tents and water, but many helping hands are still needed. Come to help and stay! 🙂
Deconstruction of camp site: There is an urgent need for people to help dismantle the camp and who are willing to think about dismantling logistics in advance. If you can imagine this, please contact us at or .
Sanis: The paramedics of the Unser Aller Camp need urgent support with organizational tasks, shifts, material procurement etc. Do you have a first aid background and would you be willing to support the paramedics? Then get in touch with Einhorn on Element:, or directly at the sani tent at the camp.
Shuttle Point: The UAC is still urgently looking for people to take (co-)responsibility for the Shuttle Point. There is already an elaborated concept, it just needs to be implemented. Tasks of the hat persons are: create a reasonable shift plan and train people, bring bikes to the workshop (or delegate), coordination, contact to Soli-Bus & other structures, have a rough idea of which vehicles we have access to and keep an overview of the parking situation. If you are in Keyenberg for at least 3 days in the near future and would like to take responsibility for the shuttle point, please contact us. This task mainly needs people on site and at the beginning of the camp, but it can also be supported from afar. Telegram: @uacshuttlepoint Matrix: Mail:
Material tent (Hybrid meeting on 03.01. at 11 am): The UAC is still urgently looking for people to take (co-)responsibility for the material tent. There is already an elaborated concept, it just needs to be implemented. Tasks of the hat persons are: to create a reasonable shift plan and to train people, to visit the material tent regularly and to write shopping lists. If you are going to be in Keyenberg for at least 3 days in the near future and would like to take responsibility for the material tent, please come to our hybrid meeting on 03.01. at 11 a.m. (if you are interested, you will receive access data by mail at or you can already come to the material tent at 10 a.m.) or write us if you don’t have time on that date but would like to support us. This task can only be done on site in Keyenberg. There are already people who can put on the hat at different times, but more people are needed!
GeSa (Prisoner Collection Center) Support: Of course we also need a lot of nice people who can imagine to pick up people who are released from the Gesa (prison collection center – where people are brought who are taken into custody), preferably with their own car. If you can imagine doing this, feel free to come to the UAC camp and we will network you at the info point. There are also organized GeSA support groups in Aaachen, Mönchengladbach, Cologne, Duisburg, Essen, Wuppertal, Bochum, Bonn and Gelsenkirchen. If you live in one of these cities and want to support (welcome people, offer food and drinks, listen, be there for them, …), feel free to contact us at .
Night and repro shifts: The daily repro work is as important as all other tasks in and around Lützerath. We need people to take over the following shifts at the camp:
- Chopping vegetables
- washing up
- cleaning toilets, shitbrigade
- garbage disposal
- Night shifts
If you want to register program points on the UAC, you can reach us at the latest from 09.01. on the following number at the info point: +4915510561460
Media-AG in Lützi
We would also like to support the Media Team in Lützi. Above all we are looking for people who want to be cleared and are accompanied by the press or want to report on what is happening around them in a livestream. If you are interested, please contact us at +49 1575 3980 277 or .
Action Ticker – Social Media
For the processing of the information we still need people with social media experience to remotely support the back office of the action ticker. We can gladly offer a skillshare (also online), feel free to contact . This task can be done remotely.
We are still looking for affinity groups who are in the alternative camp (UAC) and can imagine to take over a pop-up vigil quite spontaneously (register and occupy a few hours), so that there are legal contact points for actions around Lützi. If you can imagine this, please contact us at .
2. Dates
Infocall: The next online info meeting about Lützi will take place on 19 o’clock:
Legal Info: The next online info event on legal issues will take place on Jan. 6 at 7 p.m.:
Action training week: From 02.01.-08.01. the action trainings for Lützi week will take place. One of the trainings will also take place online. The following action trainings are known to us:
- 03.01. at 18 o’clock in Berlin (registration necessarily under )
- 04.01. at 14 o’clock in Konstanz
- 05.01. at 13 o’clock in Kassel
- 05.01. at 13 o’clock in Jena (registration necessary under )
- 05.01. at 16 o’clock in Cologne
- 05.01. at 17 o’clock in Hanover
- 07.01. at 10 o’clock in Freiburg
- 07.01. at 11 o’clock in Dresden (registration necessary under )
- 07.01. at 12 o’clock in Berlin
- 07.01. at 13 o’clock in Bremen
- 07.01. at 13 o’clock in Koblenz
- 07.01. at 14 o’clock in Göttingen
- 07.01. at 14 o’clock in Eberswalde
- 07.01. at 15 o’clock in Trier
- 08.01. at 12 o’clock online (registration at )
- 08.01. at 11 o’clock in Freiburg
- 08.01. at 11 a.m. in Hamburg (registration: )
- 08.01. at 14:30 Karlsruhe
- 11.01. at 16:30 o’clock in Mülheim. Further information can be found at .
Also in Lützi there will be a wide program to prepare for actions and the eviction attempt: .
- On 08.01. there will be a press conference at 10 a.m. and at 11:30 a.m. at the Wendehammer the for the time being last legal village walk in Lützi, come by everybody!
- From 10.01. there is an acute danger of eviction.
- On 12.01. there will probably be a registered demo and a low-threshold action of civil disobedience.
- On 14.01. there will be a large demonstration in Lützi or Keyenberg (see information below).
- On 17.01. Ende Gelände and other disobedient actors of the climate justice movement call for a big day of action around Lützi.
3. Current situation
On 02.01., the situation in Lützi is becoming more urgent and some barricades (Tripods and the wooden gate towards Immerath) were cleared by the police, but the police did not enter the village. Thus, they launched the next huge provocation and so again contradict what they have previously communicated! #Thatshouldbedescalation? Three people who got in the way were arrested, but are free again. However, the police have already created ways for themselves and RWE to be able to be quickly on site with eviction and demolition machines. They are preparing in the opencast mining apron and have come much too close to us!
Since yesterday also no more cars are allowed to drive to Lützi. The police presence in the area has been significantly increased.
In the next few days, probably from 10.01, Lützerath will be cordoned off with fences. The police would like to carry out the clearing and grubbing of Lützerath still in this clearing season (ends on 28.02.). We assume a duration of the clearing attempt of 1-6 weeks. For the beginning of the clearing attempt we expect the period between 09 – 23 January. The indications are increasing that it will probably start in the week from 9.01., but this may change again in the future.
The Rhineland Carnival (16.02.-21.02.) ties up many police forces every year, so we assume that the police would like to be ready by the start of the carnival. The general order will expire on Jan. 14, 2023.
Legal situation
The Lützerath vigil has won a lawsuit and is authorized until 09.01., which means legal arrivals are possible until 9.01.
The Mawa has received a partial injunction. This means from 01.01.23 no vehicles are allowed to drive to the picket, but people are allowed to walk there. The road will be de-authorized from that date and RWE has the right to close the road to vehicles. The control is not in the hands of the police. What does that mean for your journey? There could be more controls by the police to prevent you from entering the area. Whether the police know about your democratic rights and really let you to the registered meeting (Mahnwache Lützerath) is, as always, unfortunately uncertain. We expect an increase of controls the closer the eviction starts. We will keep you informed about controls on the tickers and social media. Call the EA if you are checked on arrival.
Since 20.12.2022, a general order of the district of Heinsberg for the evacuation of the local area of Lützerath is in force. The general order is mainly for legal protection, but it increases the probability of controls and expulsions around Lützerath. Form groups and watch out for each other!
The police can accuse everybody of violating a dismissal if they are in the area of Lützerath. If you do not give your personal details, you could be taken into custody. If you give your personal data, it is a misdemeanor according to the order and you can still be taken away legally. The Assembly Act protects you from all this. Although the Assembly Act and the General Order are in open contradiction to each other and cannot be implemented at the same time, they are both (still) valid.
Call the EA (+49 641 2010 99 547) in case of police movements, detention, from the Gesa and start of actions or legal questions.
Investigation Committee (EA)
EA is in any case available on the phone in German and English, other languages may be possible on request.
We as the Rheinland EA will be there for you 24/7 in the back office during the eviction (or from when it comes to increased repression). We have several phone lines and work in shifts. That means we can take calls at the same time. Please call us, rather 1x too much than too little. We are happy to support you.
- write down the EA phone number! 0641 2010 99 547
- get your personal EA ID number, preferably before you arrive (with it you can anonymously report to the Investigation Committee if you are caught; it is also recommended to get an EA number if you plan to reveal your identity or don’t go into action): (or on site at the Action Point in Lützi or at the UAC)
- form reference groups and exchange your EA ID numbers.
please call us if – there is a large police presence or action around Lützi – you have contact with the police, e.g. you are controlled or not let through or if you observe how other people are controlled – you are arrested or observe arrests – you are free again – you have legal questions.
Please do not call lawyers on your own. This creates confusion and possibly costs. - if you get mail from the police, prosecutor’s office or RWE, contact antirrr[ät] Our solidarity against their repressions!
Anti-repression costs: see below at donations Contact possibility by mail (encrypted if possible): rheinlandea[ät]
Email encryption: If you like to be kept up to date, feel free to check the action ticker .
Before you arrive, take a look at the following documents if possible:
- the action checklist:
- the legal aid brochure:
- the brochure about the new assembly law:
And think about the issue of refusal of personal data and how you want to deal with a possible identity check on the way to Lützi.
4. Actions in Lützi/ out of Lützi
In addition to occupying structures, there are many ways to take action in Lützi to prevent the arrival of the demolition machines, to block the arrival of more police units, to make it more difficult to seal off Lützerath, to delay the construction of police infrastructure, to stop open pit mining with direct actions, or to provide people in Lützi with food and material supplies.
Forms of action are for example
- Tripods
- Sit-in blockades
- Glue-ons
- Lock-on s
- Swings / Swingforce
- Tree house squats
- Traverse squats
- House squats
- Blocking of eviction vehicles (e.g. as sit-in blockade)
- Sabotage
Here you can find pictures and short descriptions of the forms of action: .
Together we will turn the eviction into a disaster!
Action alliance “Lützerath unräumbar”
Throughout the entire eviction phase, the cross-movement action alliance “Lützerath unräumbar” will stand in the way of the impending destruction from the outside with diverse actions of civil disobedience. For the action alliance, groups from different political spectrums of the climate justice movement have joined forces, including Alle Dörfer bleiben, ausgeco2hlt, Ende Gelände, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future, Interventionistische Linke, Kohle ersetzen, Letzte Generation, Scientist Rebellion and Ums Ganze, to fight side by side with the activists in Lützerath for global climate justice. The action alliance “Lützerath unräumbar” invites to a press conference on 8.01.2023 at 10 am at the Wendehammer in Lützerath. You can watch the live broadcast of the press conference on YouTube: .
If you are looking for information about the evacuation and possible actions, the UAC is the right place for you.
“Unser aller Camp” (UAC) If Lützerath is threatened by an eviction attempt, the “Unser aller Camp” is the safe place for everyone who wants to travel to support, start actions in the region, for the people who have already been evicted and cannot return to the occupation in Lützerath, for the people who come from e.g. Gesas and for the people who do not want to or cannot be in Lützerath anymore. The camp will be set up in Keyenberg. It is best to bring your own tent, sleeping mat and sleeping bag if you plan to stay at the alternative camp. If you have any spare tents that are waterproof, you are welcome to bring them as brine tents. After the official start of the camp on 09.01. there will be a kitchen for everyone and three meals a day. Please also bring fresh food boxes (or similar), water bottle and spoon. Here you can find a suggestion for a packing list:
- Flashlight, or headlamp + batteries
- Powerbank
- Tent and sleeping mat
- Sleeping bag
- Rainwear
- Warm clothing
- FFP2 and surgical masks (also to change)
- Sturdy shoes
- Medication, if you need any
- Drinking bottle
- Freshness boxes or similar
- Spoon
- Hot water bottle
- If you have it, cash for the donation box
- A good book, crossword puzzles, games, musical instruments
The UAC is spread over 3 areas and one location:
- sports field in 41812 Keyenberg
- Sports field “Niersquelle” in 41812 Kuckum, 400 m to the sports field Keyenberg
- Ash field/park at the Pappelallee in 41812 Keyenberg opposite the school, 650m to the sports field Keyenberg)
- The shuttle point will be at Lindenallee 16 in Keyenberg.
On the sports field in Keyenberg you will find the Infopoint, the Küfa, the circus tent, the EA, an Awareness Space, structure tents of the Safer Spaces, Sani tents, Open Space tents, a barrier-free space and a lot of space for your tents. Events of various kinds will also take place here. The sports field in Kuckum is the place where it should be quieter. Here you will find Safer-Spaces for BIPOC, FLINTA*, TINA, Neurodivers and Kids.
The Shuttle Point will be at Lindenallee 16 in Keyenberg. Campers/camper vans can be parked on the ash field at Pappelallee in Keyenberg. At the Info Point you can sign up for shifts (chopping vegetables, dishwashing, cleaning toilets, taking out trash, night shifts, etc).
The camp is registered until the end of the clearing season (28.02.2023), but will be dismantled earlier if necessary. We will keep you informed via the Lützi Lebt website and the Lützi Lebt info channel.
Arrival to Our All Camp
Please test yourself for the Corona virus before you leave. Here you can find the hygiene concept: .
All mentioned areas and places are part of the registered, legal assembly. Unfortunately, with the new assembly law, it is possible that the police will come up with some “danger defense” and you will be checked on the way there. Always say that you want to come to us and therefore a control is not necessary. Always ask for the reason of a control. Report these events and other repressions to the EA Rheinland (Investigation Committee) under +49 (0) 641 2010 99 547 or under . No matter what you plan to do, it makes sense to get an EA number at .
More detailed information about the journey and the shuttle possibilities from the nearby train stations can be found under the following link: and tips for a cheap journey to Lützi: .
For carpooling please use the Telegram groups:
- Carpool near:
- Carpool far:
- Carpool east:
- Also feel free to bring bicycles. These are very helpful for on-site mobility!
You can reach the Shuttle Point under the following number: +4915510560825. Please try to get to Keyenberg first without calling the Shuttle Point, as our capacity to shuttle is limited and various structures / task areas rely on shuttle services.
If you 1.) are in Lützi within the next weeks with a car, want to make shuttle trips or can make your car available for shuttle trips or 2.) you organize bus trips and the buses can still be used for shuttle trips or 3.) you organize bus trips, even if the buses on site can not be used
it would be great if you send a message to @uacshuttlepoint (Telegram) or
so we have all the info to organize shuttle services and promote bus arrivals.
In terms of info for shuttle organization we need:
- From when to when can you/the bus shuttle
- contact person
- How can we contact you
Call, SMS: +4915510560825
Signal: +49 174 6296181
Telegram: @uacshuttlepoint
Please do not park directly on or at the 3 areas. There is enough space for cars in the southern Keyenberg (e.g. Zur Alten Niers, Am Pfarracker, Postweg). If you come with camper, caravan, motor home, you can park them on area 3 Ascheplatz at the Pappelallee in Keyenberg.
Large demo on 14.01.
On 14.01. there will be a large demonstration at 12 o’clock in Lützerath or Keyenberg. You can order mobi material here or print it yourself here . Here you can find sharepics and a profile picture generator .
Here you can find an overview about common travel possibilities: .
To the demo call: Alle Dörfer Bleiben, BUND, Campact, Fridays For Future Germany, Greenpeace Germany, Climate Alliance Germany, Lützerath Lebt!, NAJU NRW ( ).
5. Donations
The defense of Lützerath and the fight for global climate justice costs money! If you can, please donate on site (e.g. in the donation boxes at the Küfa or at the Infopoint) or transfer money to
- Account holder: Lützerath lives
- IBAN: DE24 4306 0967 1204 1870 01
- reason for payment: Lützi lebt
Or via PayPal [use preferably the way of bank transfer, because with Paypal we have to pay fees to Elon Musk…]
In the course of the eviction attempt of Lützerath high repression costs are to be expected. Supports already jettz affected by a donation to:
- Account holder: Donations & Actions
- IBAN: DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06
- Bank: Volksbank Mittelhessen
- Subject: Antirrr
Donations in kind: The UAC is looking forward to the following donations in kind: Wooden pallets, dry firewood, washed sleeping bags, blankets, working sleeping pads, hot water bottles, a working wood stove with a 12 or 15 stove pipe, bulk donations of vegan food, private tents (waterproof and fully erectable), warm clothes (no high heels please), rescue blankets, super glue, glitter, locks, tarps
and Lützi also has a
wish list
6. Cities network
In many cities there will be actions for Day X, for this a city network has been built up in the last months. More information, dates, locations, emails from the networks can be found in a Telegram group ( ) or on the Lützi Lebt website ( ). An infocall about decentralized actions for Day X will take place on Friday, 06.01. at 7pm, in this room:
Examples of soliactions are: Bannerdrops, chalk actions, performances, art actions, mobi evenings, movie evenings, nice Küfas with climate quiz, demo speeches, strikes and strike speeches with positive reference to LütziBleibt, giving away tomato soup and mashed potatoes on plates with the Lützi-X 😉
7. Action ticker
The action ticker is especially happy about information about (soli)-actions that can be announced via the ticker or of which pictures, videos, etc. can be shared via the ticker after the action. Feel free to contact
The Fast Track:
- Matrix (Element):
- Call, SMS, Signal: +49 155 10343014
The Slower Way:
- Email: PGP: Fingerprint: cf00f4dadfa4da31061a45ff5e83eaab569eeb86
- Telegram: +4915510343014
And feel free to follow the ticker to stay up to date: .
If you like, quickly sign the call of xtausend .
8. Further information
Radio Aalpunk
Radio Aalpunk is a project of activists from Lützerath. We will accompany the eviction of Lützerath with a program put together by the activists. If you want to send greetings to the activists, read or write stories, if you have ideas for more texts, poems, self-made stuff, songs, podcasts, and other sounds, you can contact us here! E-mail:
There is already a first contribution:
Press releases
Press releases, for example +++ Eviction of Lützerath is based on unconstitutional paragraph +++ NRW Environment Minister Krischer: “An untruth was written into a law”. can be found at and .
Lützi News
Here you can find the last episode of the Lützi News: . The other episodes can be found under the following link: .
- Info channel:
- Ticker:
Twitter / Nitter
- Luetzerath stays: @LuetziBleibt
- Ticker Luetzerath: @LuetziTicker22
- Lützerath vigil: @MaWaLuetzerath
- All Villages Remain: @AlleDoerfer
- Our All Camp: @SystemChange_C
- Rhineland EA: @rheinlandea