May the hot summer begin!
Dear climate justice activists,
may the hot summer begin! A week from now, the Ende Gelände alliance will meet in Berlin to continue planning this year’s actions in the Rhineland in August and November.

|| AGENDA: Planning for both actions is set to continue during this weekend. For the action days in August, communication structures between working groups and different actors in the climate movement are to be developed; furthermore, an extensive input on legal matters is on the agenda.
Moreover, preparations for the action during COP23 in November will now enter a more intensive phase. We therefore specifically invite all those who want to get involved in planning for November. Among other things, a separate meeting for this purpose will be held at the end of our weekend meeting on Sunday (12-3 pm).
Regardless of the specific action you want to help out with, we would like to invite newly interested people to join us at our Berlin meeting and get involved. There will be lots of work to do over the next few months! On Friday evening, one time slot will be dedicated to an introduction into the processes and structures of Ende Gelände for the newly arrived; you will find plenty of opportunities to get involved!
On Friday afternoon, before the meeting begins, we have a particular offer: activists from the Kommunikationskollektiv will visit us to hold a workshop on facilitation techniques for group processes (like ours this weekend) – if you want to participate, please sign up here: (if you need English translation during the workshop, please inquire ahead of time at )
|| ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS: The meeting will begin on Friday at 6 pm and end on Sunday around noon (or afternoon for those participating in the November plenary). It will take place in the G building of the HTW campus in Berlin-Schöneweide.
English translation will be provided during plenary meetings (and, whenever possible, during small group meetings throughout the weekend).
We will provide donation-based vegan food and free accommodation. We’ll try to provide child care based on demand. In order to facilitate planning, please register through this Dudle survey:
A larger number of sleeping places will be offered on site. If you would prefer a private host or have private accommodation to offer to fellow activists, please kindly write to
Auf geht’s, ab geht’s, Ende Gelände!