Lützerath Unräumbar! (Lützerath unevictable)

Mass action with the #LützerathUnräumbar alliance on 17 January – we stand in the way of destruction! We will protect Lützerath and stop Garzweiler with diverse forms of action 💪.
Come with affinity groups and get active with us!

Bild des Dorfs Lützerath. Der Text sagt "Lützerath Unräumbar, 17.1. Aktionstag, mit vielfältigen Aktionen Lützerath unräumbar machen" dazu das Logo "Aktionsbündnis Lützerath Unräumbar"

As a broad alliance, we announce actions around Lützerath, because the lignite under Lützerath must stay in the ground! We stand united behind the activists in Lützerath and fight side by side for climate justice worldwide. Together we call on all activists to make their way to Lützerath to protect the village from eviction.

Every minute that the excavator is running and coal is being burned, the climate catastrophe continues to heat up. As the Lützerath Unräumbar alliance, we stand in the way of destruction! We are groups from Fridays For Future to Last Generation to All Villages Remain. We call on everyone to become active with us for climate justice. Our name is our programme: with diverse actions of civil disobedience, we will make Lützerath impossible to evacuate. As a cross-movement alliance, we are bringing together a wide variety of actors from the climate justice movement who will each oppose the eviction attempt in their own way. We will not escalate the situation. We do not endanger people.

Our first central day of action is 17 January – but even before that we will be active in many ways as individual groups on the ground. We will make it clear: Global climate justice will also be fought for in Lützerath! For decades, RWE has been making fat profits by destroying our livelihoods. It is a scandal that the government protects those who cause the climate crisis. All fossil fuels must remain in the ground. Also the coal under Lützerath. In this, we go beyond the fight against fossil energies. In a system where profits and not needs count, there can be no social justice. We say: System Change not Climate Change!

If you want to participate, we recommend that you arrive early. As Lützerath is expected to be closed, you may have to switch to the Unser Aller Camp. Further information will follow via the social media channels of the participating groups and here: https://luetzerathlebt.info/aktionsbuendnis/

Groups involved in the Lützerath Unräumbar alliance

  • Fridays For Future
  • Letzte Generation
  • Alle Dörfer Bleiben
  • Interventionistische Linke
  • ausgeco2hlt
  • Ende Gelände
  • Kohle ersetzen
  • Scientist Rebellion
  • Ums Ganze
  • Extinction Rebellion
  • RWE & Co enteignen

Further dates from other groups or individual groups from the alliance:

  • 08.01. Dorfspaziergang in Lützerath
  • 12.01. Demonstration und niedrigschwellige Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams
  • 14.01. Großdemonstration von Umweltverbänden und NGOs
  • 17.01. Gemeinsamer Aktionstag des Bündnisses Lützerath Unräumbar



13. September 2023 Welcome to newsletter number 22, a schnapps number this time. Fittingly, we are celebrating our birthday this year and are still here for you after 10 years - because repression has unfortunately not stopped. The focus this time is on how the police actually identify people from whom they have not received any personal data, based on our experiences so far. Continue reading ...