International Call for disobedient actions, 11th & 12th Dec 2020
5 years after Paris – #FightForOnePointFive

After 5 years of the Paris Agreement, governments and institutions have totally failed to take any measures that would prevent an 1,5º C global temperature increase. If we keep relying on governments’ action, the climate crisis will become uncontrollable within a few years, resulting in the degradation of the human living conditions, which is first affecting the poorest people in the global South. We cannot allow that to happen! Governments are intertwined with the fossil fuel industry that rely on permanent capital growth. We will have to shut down the CO2 emissions ourselves./
/On the 11th and 12th of December 2020, 5 years after the Paris Agreement, amidst the Covid-19 and climate crises, we call for global, decentralized actions of civil disobedience against the polluters. We do that to state clearly that the time to wait on governments’ actions is over! We need a global Climate Uprising that will challenge the power of the fossil fuel industry and fight for a just transition to a economic system that respects the natural boundaries of the earth.
We take climate action into our own hands!
The following groups signed the call:
- Ende Gelände (Germany)
- Climaximo (Portugal)
- Block Baltic Pipe (Denmark)
- Extinction Rebellion (France)
- Stop Westcastor (Germany)
- Det Fælles Bedste – For the Common Good (Denmark)
- Green Anticapitalist Front – GAF London (UK)
- Fossil Free Münster (Germany)
- Riseup4climatejustice (Italy)
- Salzburger Plattform gegen Atomgefahren – PLAGE (Austria)
- Gastivists Collective