Guideline for Dealing with Sexualized Violence and the Ende Gelände Contact Group

Our patriarchal society is marked by rape culture. That is why there are also cases of sexualized violence in the leftist scene and unfortunately also at Ende Gelände 🙁 The EG Contact Group (Ansprechgruppe) wants to create a structure to support affected persons and to prevent future violence.

EG Logo und Text: Ende Gelände Ansprechgruppe für Fälle sexualisierter Gewalt

The contact group deals with cases of sexualized violence and is guided by the principles of transformative justice.

You can find information on this working group’s mode of operation in their “ Guideline for dealing with sexualized violence in Ende Gelände “. This guideline represents an interim status for discussion and was written last year (2021).

In case you are effected by sexualized violence or you have other questions, please feel free to contact us at: ( PGP-Key )
or ( PGP-Key ) (The WLINTA* mail address is maintained exclusively by WLINTA* persons).

The AG is a mixed group (WLINTA* and cis men). Feel free to contact us if you are interested in a long-term involvement.



13. September 2023 Welcome to newsletter number 22, a schnapps number this time. Fittingly, we are celebrating our birthday this year and are still here for you after 10 years - because repression has unfortunately not stopped. The focus this time is on how the police actually identify people from whom they have not received any personal data, based on our experiences so far. Continue reading ...