From Newsletter #28: Together against repression

The resistance of the climate justice movement doesn’t suit everyone. RWE tries to silence our protest with civil proceedings. The repression targets only a few, but it affects us all.

We stand at the side of our comrades and support them in the court cases. Take part in the campaign “Kohle unten lassen statt Protest unterlassen” (“ Leave the coal in the ground – instead of undermining our protest “) and show your solidarity.

Also currently being subjected to repression are the G20 protestors who, despite the intimidation of the Police, took to the streets to demonstrate for global solidarity. The fact that now the summit opponents in general are portrayed as “violent offenders” fills us with concern. The “ Fabio Case ” (link in German) shows in a frightening way how the investigation even calls our right to demonstrate into question. Therefore, it requires critical counter-publicity and solidary support of those affected. Together with the campaign of the Roten Hilfe we say: United we stand – wir halten zusammen! (link in german)



13. September 2023 Welcome to newsletter number 22, a schnapps number this time. Fittingly, we are celebrating our birthday this year and are still here for you after 10 years - because repression has unfortunately not stopped. The focus this time is on how the police actually identify people from whom they have not received any personal data, based on our experiences so far. Continue reading ...