++ Climate Justice Alert: Hambacher Forst threatened with eviction! ++
Evicting the occupation is the same as cutting down the trees of Hambacher Forest!

Update 06.09.2018: Day X has come!
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FAQ zum Tag X bei Aktion Unterholz (sorry, german only)
News @ Ende Gelände vom 06.09.2018
So before tThe stumbling German energy giant RWE is preparing to deliver its final blow against the climate justice movement, thus kicking off the final battle around German lignite: just after a massive killer of a heat wave, and right when the government-appointed “coal commission” is debating an end to lignite mining in Germany, RWE is threatening to evict the occupation of the Hambacher Forest in order to cut down what remains of this majestic old growth forest. They’ve even announced the dates: it will happen between the 22nd of August and the 22nd of September.
he coal commission even reaches a decision on the future of lignite mining, our enemy RWE wants to create facts on the ground by destroying one of the major hot spots of the climate justice movement. But RWE is making a mistake, they’re underestimating the strength and sheer numbers of the climate justice movement: we can and will create a hell of a shit storm in and beyond the Hambacher Forest! RWE doesn’t have a clue how many people in Germany and from all over Europe will fight to protect the Forest and the climate. We say: Ya Basta! No more coal: not a single tree, house or village for your madness!
This is the situation: while RWE is preparing the eviction — mapping the forest, calculating where the next path should be cleared, and targeting the comrades who have been defending the forest and every single tree for the last 6 years with ever more repression – we arepreparing a determined defence of one of the most important locations not just for the climate justice movement, but for social movements in Europe as a whole! From the climate camp in the Rhineland, and as Ende Gelände, we are calling to all environmental and climate justice activists, climate NGOs, frontline communities, trade unionists, faith-based groups antifascists and anarchists, those fighting against useless megaprojects and defenders of mother earth, we are calling on everyone fighting the everyday insanity of capitalism to come and help us protect the Hambacher Forest, to fight for climate justice.
To stay up to date, follow Ende Gelände und Aktion Unterholz on Twitter and Facebook!
Ende Gelände:
Aktion Unterholz:
The campaign Aktion Unterholz, whose ‘action consensus’ closely resembles that you know from Ende Gelände, will be on site the day after the eviction begins, supporting all actions resisting the clearing – and we all need to support Unterholz. Don* expect the all around package and come prepared (Unterholz is already madly busy). Get organised, come to the forest, stand with us!
This is, how you can reach Unterholz:
You can find PGP Keys here: https://aktion-unterholz.org/pgp-keys/
Should you not be online next week, but rather in Groningen with the comrades from Code Rood, not to worry: on thursday, 30.8., a meeting to discuss the defence of the Forest will take place at 2:30 pm in the EG goes Europe-tent. We cannot yet tell you how Ende Gelände will respond to this new situation, but will send an update on that out next week.
donations to Aktion Unterholz
IBAN: DE44300501101004781488
reference: AU
Lots can be done, but most importantly: get organised, and come to the forest. You can also raise money by throwing solidarity parties or collecting donations, share stories and news of the struggle on social media (facebook and twitter), organise action trainings or info events, donate…. Make use of your networks and contacts to journalists or organisations that could support us. If you live somewhere RWE has an office, do by all means stop by there and send us some pictures. Spread this email as widely as you can.