Be part of it in Magdeburg: Organizational process and networking meeting of Ende Gelände, Climate Camp and Degrowth Summerschool
You want to be part of the organizational process and networking meeting of Ende Gelände 2017, Climate Camp 2017 and Degrowth Summerschool 2017?
Then we, the regional group of Magdeburg sagt Ende Gelände, are happy to invite you to Magdeburg from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th of April.

Please register beforehand using the following links until Sunday 2nd of April and tell us whether you will need a place to sleep or child care during the weekend. You do not need to register using your actual name. (Fill out the form as follows: Tick off which of the days you will be present. Furthermore: „Benoetige Kinderbetreuung“ means: I need childcare, „Benoetige Schlafplatz“ means: I need a place to sleep). This information will help us to organize meetingrooms, sleepingplaces and vegan food for you.
Climate Camp Group:
Ende Gelände Group:
You’ll find a first draft of the agenda for the weekend and organizational info attached.
We look forward to meeting you!
The regional group Magdeburg sagt Ende Gelände!