Stop eviction! Stop clearing!
Aktion Unterholz calls for mass actions of civil disobedience on 15 September

RWE and the police did not follow todays call of Ende Gelände Berlin to stop the clearing works in the Hambacher forest immediately. They failed to react within the given deadline of 20 minutes (we reported earlier today).
Therefore Aktion Unterholz, supported by Ende Gelände, calls for mass actions of civil disobedience – happening tomorrow (15 September)! Meeting point for travelling together: 1 pm, Cologne central station
Here you can find action maps to download .
Come all and do not forget to make a note of the number of the Legal Team (EA), which can be reached 24/7 at +49177 1897053!
Further information from the Legal Team.
The right of assembly takes precedence over the right of police. If you are sent off, you can still be at the picket (registered meeting) & on registered demos within this zone. However, the police does not always comply with applicable law. 🙁
Do not forget to call the Legal Team in case:
- you get arrested
- you are watching an arrest.
- you become the target of another police measure.
- you can witness police actions.
- you need advice or have legal questions!
Take good care!