Action-Logistics & Support, Camp & Care
Creating Ende Gelände as a joint event – we seek support for camp and action

(Part of the camp 2018 🙂 )
Dear Ende Gelände folks and interested people,
Our action in June 2019 is getting closer – soon we will see each other in the Rhineland!
Our working groups are working at full speed, in cities everywhere people are mobilising diligently – but for the action to succeed, more is needed.
Various open tasks have to be completed. From the distribution of material to the activists to the construction and dismantling of the camp, there are many possibilities to be part of Ende Gelände, no matter if you want to participate in the action or not. To get an insight into the tasks, you will find a list with short descriptions here .
If you already see something that you can warm up for, then you’re welcome to sign up directly for the join-in list . This helps with planning (e.g. food, toilets, etc.). Beside the tasks mentioned below there will be a lot of room for creativity where we can let off steam spontaneously and creatively. At the same time there will also be some work before and after the action days for all of us which needs people on site at short notice.
Arrive early; be sure that there are also some important things to do outside of the action; think about whether you can stay a few days longer and regularly check on the camp info desk and the action logistics!
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Your Ende Gelände action logistics and camp crew