
Basta de Carbón. ¡Protejamos el Clima!

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Call for the System Change Camp 2023

The climate crisis is escalating: countless heat waves, droughts and floods are occuring all over the world. International corporations are destroying local livelihoods to generate profits. Their business model is based on extractivist practices such as fracking, coal or lithium mining. At the same time, the ruling class is blocking long overdue measures and continues to construct new fossil fuel infrastructure. In Germany, for example, a government with the participation of a supposedly “green” party is promoting the construction of LNG terminals and highways. Simple measures such as speed limits or the ban of combustion engines are abandoned due to pressure from the car industry.

The climate crisis is rooted in colonial and capitalist exploitation. If we want to preserve ecological livelihoods and fight for social, economic and ecological justice, we must overcome this system. Climate justice can only be fought for and achieved globally. At the center of the struggle are those people and regions who are particularly affected by the climate crisis and the extractivism of the Global North. They have been fighting against the exploitation of people and nature for centuries.

But also here in the capitalist center of Europe there is a strong movement for climate justice: In January, diverse groups came together in the Rhineland. Despite their different forms of action they stood united against the demolition of the village of Lützerath. In France, tens of thousands have joined the protests of Soulèvements de la Terre. They are opposing fossil infrastructure projects such as the wasteful water bassins of the industrial agriculture in Sainte-Soline. Last Generation, Just Stop Oil and Co. continuously interrupt the destructive daily routine of the climate crisis.

Now we want to gather in Hanover from 30 July to 06 August for the big System Change Camp!

We want to build on the System Change Camp in Hamburg last year. The focus of this year’s camp is on networking and movement building. We want to come together with our different perspectives, connect our struggles, learn from and with each other. We want to discuss how we can overcome this system of exploitation and fight for climate justice. There will be a diverse program with workshops, discussions and events on different topics.

In addition to the educational program and strategic discussions, we also understand the camp as a learning space in which we confront our own privileges and social power structures. Our struggle for a just world is anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-ableist, queerfeminist and anti-fascist. We oppose all antisemitism and all forms of exploitation and oppression.

We invite all groups and individuals from the climate justice movement and beyond: join, build networks and enrich the camp with your content! We would like to explicitly invite all people whose voices are often silenced in the political discourse to contribute to the content of the camp. You can find our Call for Content [here](https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/news/programm-contributions-for-scc-2023/).

System Change. Now!