Working structure

The most effective way to support Ende Gelände is by participating in on of the following working groups (WG).
More information about them you also find this flyer .

Feel free to contact any of the working groups below!

You would like to participate but didn’t find an WG that suits you and your interests?
Then write us about your ideas: ( PGP-Key )

General tasks (outside of groups) in the preparation process:

  • Organising mobi events in your town
  • Hosting and preparing Ende Gelände Meetings
  • Moderation of Ende Gelände Meetings
  • Translation (in meetings / of mobi materials / newsletters / minutes / …)

Action Preparing

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Organizing action trainings (??)
  • Scouting the area and developing action ideas/tactics
  • Organizing action infrastructure and providing material and food throughout the action

Action Logistics

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Organizing action infrastructure and providing material and food throughout the action: mobile toilets, construction material, transports, action materials
  • Partner of the action logistics group
  • Enabler 😉

AG International

eMail: ( PGP-Key )
(communication preferred in English)

Antira AG (Antiraracism AG)

email: ( PGP-Key )

  • The Antiraracism AG (Antira AG for short) works for antiracism within Ende Gelände. We are currently working on a group process that challenges racism within our own structures and aims for critical self-reflection, empowerment of people from marginalised communities and education about racism in all its forms. People with different positions on racism are active in our working group, the majority of whom are white. We are always happy to have new people in the group 🙂


eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • The working group takes care of the awareness issues in the context of Ende Gelände as best as possible. If you have any questions or are interested, please write to us!

Camp Organization

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Organizing the camp infrastructure
  • Organizing the program of the camp
  • Organizing the kitchen crew
  • Finding the location for the camp
  • Setting up the camp

Response Group in Cases of Sexualized Violence

eMail: ( PGP-Key ); ( PGP )

  • Our way of working follows the approach of transformative justice. The response group can be contacted with questions or specific cases relating to sexualised violence.
  • We offer a workshop on dealing with sexualised violence. This workshop is intended to encourage groups, regardless of their context, to address the issue.
  • The working method is based on the following guidelines .
  • Here you can find a video showing how we work (in German):
  • You can reach us at the following e-mail addresses:
    The address is currently managed exclusively by cis women.
    The email address is currently used exclusively by cis women and cis men.
    It is up to you which email address you use.
  • As affected person, you never have to describe your experience of violence and we will not ask you to do so!
  • The WG is a mixed group (WLINTA* and cis men). Feel free to contact us if you are interested in a long-term involvement. We are always happy to welcome new people and new perspectives.
  • In the summer, we were criticised for the WLINTA* concept we have used so far. We are currently in the process of reflecting on how we can incorporate this criticism into our work in order to create a safer space for people outside the cis-binary spectrum


eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Match requests for external activities from fellow activists (such as workshops, panel discussions, and lectures) with our speakers.
  • Organize internal trainings and skillshares (WGs are welcome to send us their requests for cooperation/support by mail).
  • We act independently of the action season, the “workload” is very individual.


eMail: ( PGP-Key )


eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Creating a homepage concept
  • Creation and put online of content for the homepage

Legal team for all

The legal team for all is not an Ende Gelände AG, but an independent structure that accompanies various large-scale actions in the field of climate justice and is then available for all those who are affected by repression.

The “legal team for all” is the anti-repression-crew for the actiondays in august 2017 and the Ende Gelände mass actions 2015 – 2021. If you have any questions, contact them: ( PGP-Key ) Please also write to them if you receive any letters or similar things from the police, court or prosecution after the actions.

If you have questions or receive any letters after the action 2022, contact: ( PGP-Key )

Our solidarity against their repression!

MobiKo AG (Mobility Coordination)

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Coordination of the travel of larger groups to the camp/action

Mobilisation and International Mobilisation

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Newsletter
  • Creating and sending mobilisation materials (flyers, stickers, poster, …)
  • Helping with the organisation of info events
  • Coordination of busses to the camp/action


eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Is formed temporarily in order to prepare, organize and facilitate alliance meetings.
  • People who like to facilitate are always welcome! A “pool formation” would be great.
    If you don’t get an answer to your mail to this address it because there is no meeting in preparation, please write to the Prozess AG.

Movement Networking (small working group)

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Invitation and coordination of trans-regional groups, initiatives and alliances to the camp and the action days taking place in Hamburg from 09.08.22-15.08.22
  • Point of contact for all movement groups who want to participate in Hamburg


eMail: ( PGP-Key )

Police Contact

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • On behalf of and in coordination with the activists, the WG communicates with the police before and during the action.

Programm-AG 2022

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

Process AG

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Wants to be approachable for organizational and emotional concerns in the process as well as for external structures that work with EC.
  • Maintains an overview of upcoming tasks and responsibilities and supports the moderation groups.
  • Attempts to make transparent, prioritize and delegate tasks which have remained or are unique in the process.
  • Is not a decision-making body or a superordinate structure, but tries to be “lubricating oil” in the process.
  • Takes on awareness tasks and strives to ensure that those who are active in the process, including newcomers, feel comfortable with their respective roles.
  • would like to have a contact person in every AG, who is responsible for the flow of information in both directions.

Public Relations /Press

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Developing strategies for our messaging, a story, main messages
  • Writing and publishing press releases
  • Writing articles for different media
  • Giving interviews
  • Get in touch with reporters / photographers / radio stations / …
  • Update our Press review
  • Supporting anti-repression campaigns
  • Staying in touch with international press people & activists
  • staying in touch with other working groups
  • connecting other activists and journalists
  • enabling journalists to observe and document the actions from within the action/making sure that our actions will be broadly reported about by all kinds of media
  • trying to share a most diverse picture of Ende Gelände: Different activists, people
  • enabling people to do interviews and other press work
  • promoting women in speaker’s positions
  • technical stuff: keeping our space on the website up-to-date; dealing with photos; address book; internal communication tools
  • welcomes also people who do not want direct contact with media, or who have no experience and want to learn about it

Security (Seekuh)

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Safety in and around the camp
  • Educational work
  • Cooperation with Camp and Process AG

Social Media (SoMe AG)

eMail: ( PGP-Key )

  • Management of the social media channels Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, Telegram, Facebook and Peertube/Youtube
  • Cooperation with Presse AG
  • … (Memes 🥳)

Contact us by email if you want to join us!

You would like to participate but didn’t find an WG that suits you and your interests?

Then write us about your ideas: ( PGP-Key )