Ende Gelände goes Lützerath

[Upcoming Dates]

The excavators in the Garzweiler II open pit mine are right in front of Lützerath. For almost two years, people in Lützerath have been organizing resistance against the mining of lignite, against the destruction of our livelihood. On a legal basis, the land on which Lützerath stands belongs to RWE and also the Green politicians Mona Neubaur and Robert Habeck have agreed to the destruction of Lützerath and thus the non-compliance with the 1.5 degree cap. But not with us! Most of the lignite in the Rhine mining area lies under Lützerath, and if Lützerath is dredged, millions of tons of CO2 will be released. It is quite clear that if we want to mitigate the climate crisis, the mining must stop here. From Lützerath the first EG mass action started in 2015 and in Lützerath we will end the fight against coal in the Rhineland. Here, we are fighting for the Good Life for All. Together with the people who already fill Lützerath with life through tree and house squats, culture and resistance, we raise our voices. Even if the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is in cahoots with RWE, the political decision must come from the grassroots movement.

The following ticker informs about (solidarity) actions, police movements and news about the eviction. It is jointly maintained by all groups active in the Lützerather resistance.

Action Ticker Lützerath

Who we are

We are an alliance of disobedient climate justice groups who carry the fight against RWE from the villages into the cities and stand on the side of the people in the Rhineland when RWE wants to continue with the destruction. We see ourselves as part of the resistance in Lützerath and stand together with the various other actors and activists against the destruction of RWE, its capitalist profit logic and the climate crisis it is driving forward.

Contact: Mail to EG goes Lützerath ( PGP-Key )

Upcoming Dates


On Site:
You can liven up the place in Lützerath together with many people. Helping hands are needed everywhere. You can support the structures e.g. with repro-work, from awareness to setting up tents. And you can learn a lot of new ways for blockade possibilities and build them yourself. There are many ways to join and support, just as there are different people. So be a part of Lützerath Lebt and come by, whether for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or until we have saved Lützerath and thus stopped the Garzweiler II open pit mine. We need every single one of you to resist on site, to stop RWE and to teach the government a lesson.
At Home:
Even if you can’t or only partially come to Lützerath to be directly on site, there are plenty of opportunities to bring the fight for Lützerath to your town or village! Get yourselves Mobilization Material in Lützerath and distribute it in your towns, go postering, paint transpis and hang them up, organize an event and hold our Mobi-Presentation or keep the police busy. If you want to share your actions and stay up to date yourself you can do so in the Lützi-Ticker . There are various possibilities and as always: Together we are stronger therefore, if not yet happened, look for Climate Justice Group in your Area , organize yourselves and plan for example a common journey to Lützerath!

By train you can get to 3 nearby stations:

  • Hochneukirch train station (VRR, approx. 10km) (for those coming from Cologne),
  • Erkelenz (VRS, approx. 10km) (for those coming from Düsseldorf)
  • Herrath (VRR, approx. 8km)

By bus it is possible to get a little closer:

Regular bus:

  • From Mönchengladbach train station and Möchengladbach Rheydt: Wanlo Markt (Line 006, approx. 5km to Lützi)
  • From Erkelenz to Holzweiler Kirche (Line EK1 & EK3, approx. 2,8km to Lützi)
  • Keyenberg (Linie EK1 & EK3, approx. 3km to Lützi)
  • Multibus (runs on weekends and in the evenings, when the regular buses no longer run):

The multibus only runs on request!

Multibus phone number: 02431 88-6688

Multibus times:

  • Mo-Fr: 20:00-01:00 (before public holidays until 02:00)
  • Sa: 06:30-01:00
  • Su: 09:00-01:00 (before public holidays until 02:00)

The bus will take you to Lützerath and pick you up there as well. Large groups, a lot of luggage, wheelchairs and bicycles are usually no problem, but it is best to let us know a few days in advance.

Attention! Sometimes the capacities are exhausted and you get a cancellation, especially with spontaneous requests.

If you can’t come to Lützerath because of financial reasons or you can’t pay the ticket for another reason, please write a mail to awareness@luetzerathlebt.info and tell us what you need and we will find a solution!

By bike or car
Adress: Lützerath, 41812 Erkelenz
Coordinates: 51.058665, 6.428470 If you are coming by car and still have seats available, feel free to share your ride in the “Carpool Lützerath” on Telegram! There you can of course also find a ride for yourself. It works like this:

  • [Search] Start – Destination, Date, (Time), Number of people
  • [Offer] Start – Destination, Date, (Time), free spots

See full screen

What should I bring?

Here is a packing list and the current corona regulations . So you are well prepared once you arrive!

In general, it is always useful to be on site to support the place with all the bits and pieces and to build up further structures. There are always people who are happy to join in and come up with new ideas. We expect that Lützerath will be sealed off and evacuated in the middle/end of November. The most important thing is to be in Lützerath before a seal-off. We try to announce as good as possible via social media when this will happen and then there will be more information about actions via social media. So it’s best to follow the Ende Gelände, Lützerath lebt and Alle Dörfer Bleiben channels. Then you are up to date.
We have agreed on a framework of actions, which is supposed to give you an idea of what we are doing and what you can expect when you participate in the actions of Ende Gelände goes Lützerath.
At this point, it is also important to point out that Ende Gelände goes Lützerath is only one of many different local actors and that the framework of action does not apply to all of these different actors.

You can donate in different ways. On the one hand there is a wish list . There are lots of useful things that are needed on site, which you surely still have flying around somewhere!
Also both Lützerath itself, and Ende-Gelände have donation accounts. If you can, please feel free to donate so that there is money for the many necessary items that must be purchased and cannot be obtained through other means.

You don’t have to have money or even pay to be in Lützerath! Of course it is practical if local people can also throw a little money into the donation box to cover the running costs. It is our aim to make it possible for people to live together in a way that is as need-oriented and free of exchange logic as possible. There is a great Küfa (kitchen for all) on site and provides everyone with delicious, vegan meals. The Küfa is also happy to receive donations on site. If you come to Lützerath and bring some bread and spread yourself it is of course also great!

Of course, we are not alone on site. Besides us there are Alle Dörfer bleiben , Lützerath lebt! , Unser aller Wald , the Mahnwache Lützerath , Kirchen im Dorf lassen , the dezentrale Städtevernetzung and Unser aller Camp .