Barrier-free camp

Ableism refers to the devaluation and structural discrimination of people with disabilities. Ableism is about how non- disabled people evaluate the lives of people with disabilities, what images and stereotypes they have in their minds when they think of people with disabilities. But it is also about the barriers that society creates and maintains. People are disabled by society. Some people therefore refer to themselves as a “person affected by rejectionism”, a “disabled person”, or a “person with a disability”. Source:

More information: Ability – Ableism and barriers

We explicitly invite people to the System Change Camp who are affected by barriers. We understand barriers as socially created structures that disadvantage people due to certain physical, cognitive, psychological or other characteristics. Barriers are an expression of social power relations. We see breaking down these structures as part of our political practice, so we try to make our camp as barrier-free as possible. We understand this path to inclusion as a process in which we can and must still learn a lot. In our planning of the camp we try to think about possible limitations, and for a common learning process we are looking forward to your feedback! Please get in touch with us (contact camp working group: , or Infomail-Team: ) if you have any needs, questions or comments or need support on site.

The following considerations already exist and are being implemented:

  • The people from the Awareness team will take care of your needs, clarify conflicts, make sure that interpersonal boundaries are respected and that the camp is a space free of discrimination! The Awareness team has developed an awareness concept that will be available at the camp (and will also be published here on the homepage soon). Our Awareness team supports the implementation of the concept.
  • Furthermore, we have Safer Spaces to offer safe spaces and support to people affected by discrimination in case of overwhelming experiences (BIPoC, TINA/FLINTA*, neurodivers). The Safer Spaces will be comfortably furnished. The Response Group in Cases of Sexualized Violence will be on site again this year.
  • Some shady islands will be created on the camp.
  • Barrier-free access for wheelchairs will be ensured by a network of paths with floor plates. Likewise, we have two barrier-free WCs and staff support for other needs (assistance).
  • Our translation team tries to overcome language barriers: German-English-Spanish-French are covered by translators. Sign language interpreters will be available at some workshops (these will be marked accordingly in the program).
  • A buddy system will be available at the info point where you can request camp buddies to accompany you during the camp period and help with orientation.
  • We also try to make the camp more pleasant for those with more general physical complaints, or e.g. ME/CFS: The workshop tents are equipped with couches to enable those affected to participate. Critical masculinity reflection sessions are offered daily to improve our behaviour together at camp and afterwards.
  • Critical whiteness will be addressed in reflection rounds and workshops.
  • For people who cannot come to camp at all, there will be opportunities to participate online in at least some workshops (these will be marked accordingly in the programme). Two workshop tents will be equipped with hybrid online technology to broadcast workshops online.
  • Flyers on awareness raising, critical whiteness, critical masculinity and other topics will be available at many places in the camp to make these topics available to a wider audience. The flyers will be available in German and English.
  • There will be a fridge in the medic tent for medication that needs to be refrigerated over the camp period.
  • As rest times, an Open Space from 08:00-09:00, a Repro Slot from 10:15-11:30, a coffee break from 16:45-17:30 and another Open Space from 18:00-19:00 have been added to the daily structure in order to have enough time to rest between workshops. The Open Spaces can be used by people from the movement for joint activities.