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  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Press Release 16 June, 2019

Viersen, 16 June 2019. The climate alliance Ende Gelände will set up camp in Viersen, near Mönchengladbach, starting today at 2pm. Local police authorities had rejected the organizer‘s request to have a camp at this location. However, yesterday afternoon the administrative court in Aachen ruled that the camp site was legal.

„We are looking forward to have a place where we can express our protest for an immediate coal phase out to confront the climate crisis. The court ruling confirms: Choosing a site for a rally is an essential part for the freedom to assembly“, explains Kathrin Henneberger, press spokeswoman of Ende Gelände.

From Wednesday on, organizers expect several thousand people from all over Europe to come to the protest camp. Ende Gelände is calling for a mass action of civil disobedience against coal-infrastructure in the Rhineland coalfied. The camp will host a large range of cultural and educational events.

Organizers welcome the public to observe the camp set up. Meeting place is a parking place near the stone circle close to stadion „Hoher Busch“: https://goo.gl/maps/zK8bNUTqUozLM2jd9

Media representatives are invited to come to the camp site and report about the set up. We will be on site and happy to give interviews.

On Wednesday, June 19, on 10am a press conference will take place in Erkelenz, with different organizations of the climate movement, among them Greenpeace Germany, Fridays for future, All Villages Remain, Ende Gelände and a climate activst from Uganda.

Borschemischer Straße 32, 41812 Erkelenz, https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1RurXGxC64oYVrMH1MfSkjI7-iG08WwdC&ll=51.08355180000003%2C6.417412099999979&z=17

On Thursday, 20 June, at 11.30am we offer you a public action training on the camp where you can take pictures and film. Afterwards we invite you for an action-briefing which we recommed especially for those journalists who will accompany activist into the action.

German press release of administrative court Aachen: http://www.vg-aachen.nrw.de/behoerde/presse/pressemitteilungen/10_190615/index.php


Kathrin Henneberger:

+49 152 045 608 00
