
Chrońmy klimat. Zatrzymajmy węgiel.

Przepraszamy, niestety ta strona nie jest jeszcze dostępna w języku polskim.

Press Release July 2, 2018

Louka u Litvínova, 02-07-2018: Together with 500 people from all over Europe, activists from Ende Gelände took part in an action of civil disobedience in the North-Bohemian lignite mining region. On Saturday, ca 100 people managed to enter the pit mine Bilina, bringing conveyor belts and a digger to a stand still. Under the slogan „Limity jsme my“ (we are the limits) they protested for an immediate coal-phase out and for global climate justice.

Together with Poland and Germany, Czech Republic belongs to the biggest producers of lignite in Europe. Therefore, it is the fourth largest polluter in Europe in terms of per-capita emissions of CO2. Northern Bohemia is the centre of Czech coal industry, already 80 villages were demolished for the expansion of the lignite mine.

„Coal companies are making profit while people in the global South are suffering from the impacts of climate change already today. To stop this injustice we have to phase out the oldest and dirtiest coal-fired power stations in the country right now, especiall the power plant Počerady“, says Michal Štarha, spokesperson „Limity jsme my“.

„People all around the world are raising their voices against the fossil fuel industry – also in Czech Republic. We demand the end of fossil fuels to secure a planet where dignified life for everybody is possible“, says Marika Volfová from „Limity jsme my.“

„Greenhouse gases transcend national bordiers. Accordingly, neither our protest for climate justice knows bordiers. Our joined action sent a strong signal in favour of a coal-phase out that must happen immediately, in Czech Republic as urgently as in Germany, says Karolina Drzewo, spokesperson of Ende Gelände.

From October 25-29, 2018, Ende Gelände will block operations of the open-cast lignite mine Hambach in the Rhineland Coalfield to prevent the clear-cut of the Hambach Forest.


Karolina Drzewo, spokes person Ende Gelände: +49 152 04560800



Contact Limity jsme my:

Radek Kubala, spokes person: +420 737 863 097

ljm.media@riseup.net (Anfragen bitte auf Englisch)
