
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Press invitation October 16, 2018

BERLIN, 16-10-2018. On the last October weekend, thousands of activists will block coal infrastructure around the Hambach mine in a mass action of civil disobedience. By doing this, Ende Gelände stands up for an immediate coal-phase-out and for global climate justice. Three open-cast lignite mines and three massive power-plants make the Rhineland coalfield near Cologne one of the biggest sources of CO2 in Europe, and a focal point of the climate movement.

It’s a huge success that the clearance of the Hambach forest is suspended“, says Karolina Drzewo, press spokes person of Ende Gelände. „But the coal diggers continue to threaten villages, local ecosystems and the global climate. Science urgently tells us to phase-out fossil fuels. However, the government delays determined climate action. Therefore we will take matters in our own hand and begin coal-phase out with our bodies.“

You are welcome to report about our action, in the days before or right from site of action. We are happy to give interviews. It’s also possible to accompany activists into the action.

On Friday, 26 October at 11.30am we offer you a public action training where you can take pictures and film. Afterwards, at 12.15pm, we invite you to an action briefing which is especially important for those journalists who accompany activists into the action. We will inform you about the exact places for those events on short notice.

This year there will be a special Ende Gelände Train that leaves Prague in the afternoon of October 25 and will go via Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Hannover to Düren in the Rhineland coalfield. Media representatives are invited to travel on this train and speak to activists. If you are interested, we ask you to register early.

Ende Gelände has also been part of the protests for saving the Hambacher Forest on October 6, 2018. You find photos of this and former actions on our flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133937251@N05/albums

Read our press kit with all all practical infos and political background: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Press-kit-Ende-Gel%C3%A4nde-October-2018.pdf



Selma Richter: +49 157 87414171

Karolina Drzewo: 0049 152 04560800

Contact for Ende Gelände Train: Robin Herbst: +49 177 1697025
