
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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press release on 09.08.2022

Hamburg, 09.08.2022

Today, the “System Change Camp” begins on the meadows at Elly-See-Strasse near the Altona Volkspark in Hamburg. In the run-up the Hamburg police had failed in court to prevent the protest camp twice. It is being organized by a broad alliance of left-wing and climate groups and is scheduled to last until August 15. Until the weekend, thousands of participants are expected to attend an extensive program focusing on climate justice and anti-colonialism.

“We want to get in touch with Hamburg’s population and welcome people from all different backgrounds to our camp,” says Toni Lux, spokesperson for the camp organizers, “Our broad workshop program is open to all thematically interested citizens in the region.”

Planned events include a Thursday evening panel discussion on global perspectives on fossil fuel struggles with guests from the US, Colombia and Portugal, and a Friday morning workshop by Juan Pablo Gutiérrez of the Yupka community on “Decolonizing Thought.” The Abya Yala Anticolonial group is also offering several events, including a workshop on “Buen Vivier – the Good Life” on Sunday afternoon. A detailed program is available on the System Change Camp website.

Luka Scott, spokesperson for the Ende Gelände action alliance explains, “We are co-organizing the protest camp because we oppose the construction of planned liquefied natural gas terminals on the north German coast. Gas is a climate killer. With the expansion of fossil gas infrastructure, the German government is continuing a policy of colonial exploitation. Importing liquefied gas from countries like Argentina goes hand in hand with even more fracking, even more displacement and even more destruction of ecosystems, especially on indigenous territories. Hamburg, with its colonial tradition, is exactly the right place to attack these injustices.”

Parallel to the System Change Camp, Ende Gelände and other groups have announced protest and mass actions of civil disobedience. On August 10, a demonstration titled: “Stop LNG, sabotage fossil capitalism!” will take place as a prelude, starting at 17:00 at the Landungsbrücken.

Contact details
E-mail: systemchange_camp@riseup.net
Toni Lux: +49 152 13084785
Charly Dietz: +49 163 681 1776
Luka Scott: +49 177 9705757



Participating groups and alliances:

Abya Yala Anticolonial,
Aktionsbündnis Kesselbambule,
Animal Rebellion,
Antifa Hoheluft,
Aseed Europe,
Colombia Solidaria Hamburgo,
Debt for Climate!,
Ende Gelände,
Extinction Rebellion,
FAU Hamburg,
Fridays for Future Hamburg
Gegenstrom Hamburg,
Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie,
Grüne Jugend Hamburg,
Internationale Sozialistische Organisation,
Interventionistische Linke,
Klimakollektiv Oldenburg,
Klimatreffen Hamburg,
Lützerath Lebt,
Rettet Hamburgs Natur,
Rheinmetall Entwaffnen,
RWE & Co enteignen,
Sand im Getriebe,
Seebrücke Berlin,
Transform LEJ,
…ums Ganze!,
Ung Vänster Göteborg & Bohuslän,
Wald statt Asphalt,
We are Plan C,
Women Defend Rojava