
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Ultimatum to RWE

At the annual general meeting of RWE EndeGelände issued an ultimatum. If the company does not phase out coal-based power generation, we will take charge of it ourselves. An activist from EndeGelände told the assembled shareholders in no uncertain terms what we think of the business activities of this group.

„Like you all know – and I want to be totally honest – RWE is a crap group. The business model is unjust and not fit for the future. Profits are made at the expense of climate change, at the expense of people’s health, especially in the southern hemisphere, and at the expense of future generations. Therefore you violate human rights. The right of all humans to live a healthy live. The right to live without climate catastrophes. The right to a good life for all, everywhere.

Coal-based power generation has a high price – too high compared to the shoddy profits of RWE. Are you not ashamed to distribute low dividends with such high costs? And it is not local communities who profit but the managers!

Coal-based power generation is unjust. We from EndeGelände are not prepared to accept this unjustice. We fight for a climate of justice. We have made this very clear by blocking mines and power stations with the support of thousands.

Because our actions in the past were not sufficient today we issue an ultimatum. Decide today to stop coal-based power-generation and close the open-cast mines and power stations! If you let this deadline pass we will take into our own hands!