
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Change of plan: sorry for that!

First of all we want to apologiz!

We are very sorry, if you have to change plans due to our decision or if you are unable to take part in our mass action and/or preparation.

We didn’t take the decison easy

After our Ende Gelände meeting in Bonn serious points emerged, which have not been heard in the debate before, therefore the process and consensus were percieved as fragile and rushed. For this reason we as Ende Gelände have decided to open up the consensus again.

We reflect the process and want to learn

how we can form a reliable and broadly accepted consensus within our growing structure. However, this is a doubled timeproblem: On the one hand, we have to learn to take our time while deciding, on the other hand the learning process itself needs time and thoughtfullness.

Sorry & solidarity,
Ende Gelände structure