
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022 Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Occupation of power plant Datteln 4 a huge success

On Sunday, Feb 2, ca 150 people from Ende Gelände and DeCOALonize Europe occupied the premises of the coal-fired power station Datteln 4 near Dortmund, Germany. For nine hours they blocked loading facilities and band-conveyors. They protested against the desastrous coal-law of the German government. According to this law, coal will be phased out as late as 2038; utilities will be paid billions of Euros in recompensation, and the new power plant Datteln 4 is supposed to be connected to the grid later this year. A NEW coal plant while Australia is still burning? We will not let this happen. We will fight against Datteln 4 as we fought to protect the Hambach forest

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