
Basta de Carbón. ¡Protejamos el Clima!

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Press invitation public action training & co

Bonn, Tuesday 31 October 2017

The grassroots alliance Ende Gelände calls for a mass action of civil disobedience in the Rhineland coalfields on Sunday, November 5. More than 1000 people are expected to block the mining infrastructure, a day before the start of the official UN-climate negotiations. The alliance stands up for an immediate coal-phase out in order to realize a more equitable world.

You are welcome to report about the action.

Schedule for the action weekend:

S aturday, 4.11. 2017

On Saturday, 9am, we organize a public action training in Bonn. You are welcome to film and/or take pictures of how activists prepare for the blockades.

Meeting point: at „ Bahnhöfchen “, Rheinaustraße 116, 53225 Bonn

Afterwards (ca 10 – 10.15 am) there will be an press action briefing. You are especially invited to attend if you are planning to accompany the action. Our international media team will be around and happy to give interviews.

Sunday, 5.11. 2017

7.30 am: The Pacific Climate Warriors will hold a traditional ceremony in solidarity with Ende Gelände activists. The ceremony will take place in the deserted village of Manheim (Kerpen), close to the open-cast mine Hambach. The inhabitants of the Pacific island demand an immediate coal-phase out, too. More Info .

8 am: Rally in solidarity with Ende Gelände , S-train station Buir (Kerpen)

9 am: Start of solidarity demonstration

11 am: Closing r ally in Morschenich, with international speakers

We will let you know about the precise location and timing of the mass action of civil disobedience on short notice. Please get in touch with us if you would like to be informed, and leave your phone number with us. It will be possible to travel to the action on Sunday morning from Bonn.


Fr iday, 3.11., 11 am: International press conference of the organisation „Don’t nuke the climate“ about the risks of nuclear and fossile extractivism – also an Ende Gelände speaker will be on the panel to answer your question.

Place: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175, Bonn




C onta ct :

E-Mail: presse@ende-gelaende.org

Press spokes person:

  • Dorothee Häussermann: 0049-0152-16381294
  • Janna Aljets: 0049-0152 1394 8921