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BIPoC-Awareness on Rügen 2023

Will there be a BIPoC-Awareness?

There will not be an autonomous BIPoC awareness group for the camps and the action on Rügen. There is currently no group at Ende Gelände that can take over this task. Therefore, we tried to find an external collective. Unfortunately, this was not successful. In retrospect, we should have prioritized the search for a collective more.

What is the situation on Rügen for BIPoC?

We have been advised that being on Rügen may entail high risks for BIPoC. Due to the political situation on the island, including very high numbers of AfD voters, the likelihood of racist attacks on Rügen is once again significantly higher than in other parts of Germany. Therefore, visiting camps and actions is more dangerous for BIPoC than, for example, in the Rhineland or in Hamburg.

What awareness structures are there for BIPoC?

There is a safer space at the camp in Frankenthal as well as at the Cliff Camp in Mukran, which is only accessible for BIPoC. The awareness team is mostly formed by white people, but there are contact persons who position themselves as BIPoC and are available for cases of racist discrimination and assaults, depending on their capacities.

What structures are in place for safe travel and transportation?

Unfortunately, unlike past actions, there will not be a shuttle where BIPoC can report to in emergency situations. If you have needs like a shuttle ride on Rügen or a quiet place to sleep, feel free to contact us at: awareness-ruegen23@systemli.org. We will then give you realistic feedback if we can make it happen, and of course do our best. We will also be posting an awareness emergency number soon that will be responsive 24/7.

Why are there fewer BIPoC structures than in past actions?

The action and the camps on Rügen were organized by a smaller group of people with much less capacity. Building anti-racist structures at the camps and in action should have been much more of a focus in this process. The lack of planning has to do with blind spots and a lack of critical reflection on racism by the predominantly white group. At the same time, in all areas of work, there was never the aspiration to set up an action and structures on the same scale as past Ende-Gelände actions. Nevertheless, we continue to strive to create structures that provide as much security as possible for BIPoC on Rügen.