
Basta de Carbón. ¡Protejamos el Clima!

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Press release, 30 november 2019, 12:30 pm

Cottbus | Chóśebuz, 30 november 2019. Since this morning, around 4,000 activists from international climate justice movement Ende Gelaende (“Here And No Further”) have successfully blocked coal infrastructure in the Leipzig and Lusatian areas. Large g roups of activists reached the Jaenschwalde open-cast mine, the Welzow-Sued open-cast mine and the coal railway to the Jaenschwalde power station. An inclusive action group, including people with physical disabilities, occupies a rail section and the adjacent road – together with the Anti-Coal-Kidz. Disappointed by the disastrous climate policy of the German government, the se young activists engage in civil disobedience for the first time . Simultaneously, Fridays For Future is demonstrating in solidarity with Ende Geleande near the Jaenschwalde power plant.

“We are in the right place at the right time. Next week, the German government wants to pass a completely inadequate coal phase-out law that will give up on the 1.5 degree limit – we don’t! Germany pretends to be a pioneer in climate protection abroad, yet its climate policy making is desastrous. We will not be standing by while politicians and corporations destroy our future. Today, our protest on the destruction sites is a strong sign al for climate justice and for an ecological and socially responsible system change,” affirms Nike Mahlhaus, spokesperson of Ende Gelaende.

Carla Reemtsma, spokesperson of Fridays for Future, adds: “After we organized a strike yesterday at over 500 locations in Germany for climate justice, we are demonstrating together with Ende Gelände today in Lausitz for a quick coal phase-out. The climate justice movement is diverse, determined and disobedient. We say: Exit coal, enter future!

Press contacts:

Sina Reisch: +49 177 967 68 05
Johnny Parks: +49 151 63 174 002
Nike Mahlhaus: +49 151 413 745 27

presse@ende-gelaende.org | www.ende-gelaende.org
Twitter: @Ende__Gelaende | Flickr: endegelaende